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Pramipexole 0.5mg direct from pharmacy dosing question


Well-known member
Jun 7, 2012
So I have quite a few bottles of Pramipexole 0.5 100% legit from local US pharmacy. I'm on about 200mg/week of Tren and about 100mg/week of Test. Currently experiencing zero erection..which is rough.
I know Prami has to be used in low doses to avoid sides.
If the pills are 0.5mg, would you say cutting them into half or even quarters would be an effective low does to see if it helps?
When I had pharma Prami I took a qtr at a time. 1/4 tab typ prevents prolactin issues for myself. I have worked my way up to taking a half but with prami I get bouts of being very sleeping (not lethargic) esp when driving in traffic. I would catch myself dosing off at traffic lights. A premixed pre-workout mitigated those side effects.
i think you would be better off to increase the test, lower or drop the tren. tren has 4x more affinity for ar then test so prob its out competing and that 100mgs is a low dose with nothing else. 40-600mgs test is more the neighborhood for that dose.
prami can have a bunch of sides and you need to start very low with dosing, .125 mg or 1/4 tab. it is not instantanious in effect and prob not gona fix boner issues like you want, cialis would do more.

start with .125 mgs once ed, after a few try that 2x ed. some people have better luck with one dose before bed. never had any issues like that, but really i think prami is not the answer for your direct issue.
^^^hey brother ..might be worth it to find out if your ED issue is indeed PROLACTIN related

for example there was a suggestion above to "increase your TEST"
^^^while doing this does follow some logic ..it could make matters worse if it is indeed PROLACTIN related bc ESTROGEN itself increases PROLACTIN
..so increasing your TEST (..and subsequently increasing ESTROGEN) could actually exacerbate the problem
..what can end up happening is you get caught playing the "guessing game" & you put yourself into a spin cycle ..only to end up wishing you had just got a simple blood test to know for sure what was going on

^^^all that, personally i don't think that taking some PRAMI would hurt ya
..IMO it's really a great drug & an incredible anti-depressant

my best advice:
..if you'v got 0.5mg tabs
..i would quarter them
..then take 1 quarter piece (0.125mg)
..12/hours apart from each other (..so 9am & 9pm)
..half life of PRAMI is 8hrs+/-

^^^following the above should keep you clear of the "nausea & sleepiness" ..which are the 2 biggest sides with PRAMI

^^^from there, you absolutely can increase ..BUT if you decide to do that, do so very slowly!!
..stay on this dose for at least 2wks
..increase by only 0.125mg
..stay at that for 2wks & so on

^^^another bit of advice is to make that increase on your nightly dose ..so if it makes you sleepy, it'll be a benefit
I'm at work right now.. But I'm gonna go over ur protocall in depth when I get home.
More importantly... Thank u TOO for the help!
Freaking LOVE this place cuz of guys like u two.
Many many thanks.
the thing is prolactin isnt gona prevent the boner as much as make it harder to cum in most cases.
by the doses, thats the biggest thing that jumps out.

i often see guys having issues with low test high tren.

and in this case 100mgs of test is a very trt ish dose.
200mgs o tren i just think is out competing.
sd isnt wrong but prob you would have some sore nips before that or some other sign of hormones being off.

due to the many issues with tren i have stayed away from it for years last time i used it was about 100mgs/wk of tren base and i tapped out after 6 weeks due to side effects. was like 100-125mg tren base, 300ish mg test base both weekly totals and 25mg wini per day.

insomnia and night sweats were the issue.

mast on the other hand is quite boner friendly and a nice combo with low test.
personally i dont react too well when i have another hormone higher then test.

good luck bro!
keep us posted
the thing is prolactin isnt gona prevent the boner as much as make it harder to cum in most cases.

^^^i very respectfully disagree

..erectile dysfunction is a classic symptom of high PROLACTIN

..when males have an orgasm, it is the immediate sharp rise in PROLACTIN that kills our "boner"
Prami is a horrible horrible drug. I don't think its use is warranted in any circumstances when using AAS or bodybuilding.

IF (and is a big IF) prolactin is your issue, and you have BW proving this, use Cabergoline at 0.5mg twice per week.

Prami made me feel like complete shit for 48 hours after 1 admin. Never took it again.
^^^i very respectfully disagree

..erectile dysfunction is a classic symptom of high PROLACTIN

..when males have an orgasm, it is the immediate sharp rise in PROLACTIN that kills our "boner"

well again you arent wrong... but in this case... really?
if dude was taking a gram of tren maaaybe id say that but in this case i just dont think its probably.
and like swifto points out prami is kind f a harsh drug, as is caber. if we are being good drug addicts i think those are just not the best options in this case. much smarter to address the hormone issue rather then through more fuel on the fire.
^^^i very respectfully disagree

..erectile dysfunction is a classic symptom of high PROLACTIN

..when males have an orgasm, it is the immediate sharp rise in PROLACTIN that kills our "boner"


I’ve seen a ton of people posting how Tren and increased prolactin isn’t real or how prolactin doesn’t actually cause any sides and it’s something else

This is completely false
well again you arent wrong... but in this case... really?
if dude was taking a gram of tren maaaybe id say that but in this case i just dont think its probably.
and like swifto points out prami is kind f a harsh drug, as is caber. if we are being good drug addicts i think those are just not the best options in this case. much smarter to address the hormone issue rather then through more fuel on the fire.
How is prami more harsh than caber? I always felt the complete opposite
I’ve always read cabergoline had side effects relating to the heart and pramipexole was the safer choice
How is prami more harsh than caber? I always felt the complete opposite
I’ve always read cabergoline had side effects relating to the heart and pramipexole was the safer choice

all d agonist share similar sides hear issues being one. they are quite strong drugs and should probably be used with more respect then most here give them. something i learned over my 15+ years of using them.
caber is generally the most side free clean feeling drug, less prone to headaches and other odd side effects both however can have heart issues.
im sorry you "feel" different, go read some about each.
all d agonist share similar sides hear issues being one. they are quite strong drugs and should probably be used with more respect then most here give them. something i learned over my 15+ years of using them.
caber is generally the most side free clean feeling drug, less prone to headaches and other odd side effects both however can have heart issues.
im sorry you "feel" different, go read some about each.

I agree. They're generally not good drugs IMO.

The Cabergoline heart valve side effects are in much higher doses over a very long period.

99% of the time, its estrogen, not prolactin or progesterone.
all d agonist share similar sides hear issues being one. they are quite strong drugs and should probably be used with more respect then most here give them. something i learned over my 15+ years of using them.
caber is generally the most side free clean feeling drug, less prone to headaches and other odd side effects both however can have heart issues.
im sorry you "feel" different, go read some about each.
They aren’t both the same type of dopamine agonists
Prami has more side effects in terms of not feeling well. Although if you just take it properly this shouldn’t be an issue

Caber has more sides with dying
I’d take prami over caber any day.

There was a significant signal between occurrence of heart failure and exposure to pergolide or cabergoline in particular and ergot derivatives in general. In contrast, none signal was found for rotigotine, pramipexole, apomorphine, or ropinirole in particular and non-ergot derivatives in general.
They aren’t both the same type of dopamine agonists
Prami has more side effects in terms of not feeling well. Although if you just take it properly this shouldn’t be an issue

Caber has more sides with dying
I’d take prami over caber any day.

d2 agonists yes they both are.
read a lil bro
it takes more then 5 mins on the first page of a google search to know this stuff.
keep doing you and ill keep telling the truth.
They aren’t both the same type of dopamine agonists
Prami has more side effects in terms of not feeling well. Although if you just take it properly this shouldn’t be an issue

Caber has more sides with dying
I’d take prami over caber any day.

please tell us what your "study" has to do with the post here and dude in question? lol
i cant find that damn video on how to understand research but i think it would help you.

there is more to the ergot thing then you probably know.

usa has been trying to get rid of ergot based drugs for a long time, one of my favorite headache medicines is getting difficult to find due to this sort of bs and this is outside the usa.

apples n pinenuts brotha.:geek:
I felt like shit on Prami too. I was using liquid....small amounts. I will say it was more potent than viagra

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