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Primo Hairloss Question


Active member
Sep 25, 2009
Hey fellas im in need of some desperate advice :(. Basically I have been viewing some Primo 400mg ew, Sust 650mg ew Dvd's for 4 weeks entering my 5th and I am pretty sure my hair is thinning on top.

No receeding hairline or bald in the back it just looks thinner overall on the top of my head. I first started noticing a couple weeks ago but I thought I was just being anal because of what I read on Primo.

I figured I would be fine since I've previously viewed Test,Deca and Winny Dvd's and had ZERO issues. The winny may have been to short to notice.

My question to you all is should I take Finasteride or the side effects not worth it, try a Topical Solution or just stop taking Primo all together? Will any of these solutions thicken back to where it was? Im still a little to vain to lose my hair, the thinning already looks odd to me since im known for having thick black hair. Plus my wife is getting pissed. haha. Thanks in advance for the help. :eek:
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The sust is gonna be the culprit more so than the primo IMO...
Really? Ive done sus before at a lower dosage around 400 before and had no issues. I was told Primo gives people issues because its DHT derived.
Really? Ive done sus before at a lower dosage around 400 before and had no issues. I was told Primo gives people issues because its DHT derived.


Primo is DHB with a methyl group positioned at the first carbon. NOT DHT! lol
Interesting, not doubting what you saying but articles i've read along with wikipedia say otherwise. "Methenolone enanthate, or metenolone enanthate, is a dihydrotestosterone (DHT) based anabolic steroid."

Although I did find an article that said "Being a DHT derivative (technically it’s DHB) "

Either way not really trying to get in a debate just wanted to know if anyone had some advice to thicken the top of my head back up. Its not super thin but its Very noticeable when my hair is oily after a workout.
Interesting, not doubting what you saying but articles i've read along with wikipedia say otherwise. "Methenolone enanthate, or metenolone enanthate, is a dihydrotestosterone (DHT) based anabolic steroid."

Although I did find an article that said "Being a DHT derivative (technically it’s DHB) "

Either way not really trying to get in a debate just wanted to know if anyone had some advice to thicken the top of my head back up. Its not super thin but its Very noticeable when my hair is oily after a workout.

No stress. It's parroted everywhere as a DHT derivative... basic understanding of chemistry and you can obviously see its the exact same molecular structure at DHB just with a methyl group at the first carbon. If it was a DHT derivative it shouldn't have a double bond at the 1,2 position as it does. Boldenone is basically testosterone with a double bond at the 1,2 position. DHB is a 5-alpha reduced version of boldenone, so it only has a single bond at the 4,5 position while maintaining the double bond at the 1,2. Add a methyl group to DHB at c1 and we have Primo.

BTW I've never heard of primo being hard on the hair for those that have actually tried it... although I have not tried it personally. Although it probably wouldn't matter since I'm not that prone to begin with.
Someone on here posted to take more Zinc for thinning hair from AAS. It worked for me.

Im not prone, but did notice that my hair was falling out more on Masteron/Test. I could run may hands thru it and it would fall out! DAMMIT!

I upped the Zinc and Magnesium and did the same thing after a few days, no more hair falling out.

By the way, if not prone, it will grow back. If you are prone to hairloss, it probaby will not.
Well thanks for the info gentlemen/ladies. I didn't think I was prone since I have never had issues on previous cycles. Only compound other than those two that im taking is Aromasin ED , never ran it before. Could that be a culprit? I've ran adex and nolvadex during a cycle but I read up on how much better Asin was so I wanted to try it out.

Like I said its not chunks of hair coming out I just noticed over time it seems like the top of my head is thinner looking and I notice pieces of hair in my hands when I rub my hands through my head.

i'd say go for some finasteride. I didnt notice any side effects. I think the side effects got so much attention because of the people who take finasteride without any exogenious testosterone. I would imagine you would have a problem then.

spiro and nizoral will help too
In my experience its the aromasin. I was on test tren and eq and had no hair issues or itchy scalp. As soon as I through in Aromasin in my PCT my head started itching. I just stopped aromasin about a week ago and the head itching is gone.
i'd say go for some finasteride. I didnt notice any side effects. I think the side effects got so much attention because of the people who take finasteride without any exogenious testosterone. I would imagine you would have a problem then.

spiro and nizoral will help too

I would second that. I had my doctor prescribe me some awhile back. You just split the pill in quarters for the appropriate dose.
Interesting staticman, im starting to wonder now because I've been on the Aromasin for 3 weeks now and I didnt really notice my hair issue till about 2 weeks in so I wonder if its linked. Maybe I'll swap it with Adex AND buy some Finastride just to make sure.
I am not really into chemistry of Primo, (DHT, DHB i dont know.) But back in Europe I did dbol at 50mgs/day- no problem. Then I did test at 500mgs/week - also no problems. But when on my 3rd cycle I added 400mgs of primo immediatly I noticed alot of my hair was falling out and my scalp was itching and skin on my forearms was dry and red. As soon as stopped primo everything went back to normal. I used nizoral 2% shampoo and finasteride to restore my hair successfully. Now I can do easy up tp 1.5-2g's of AAS with no hair problems as long as I dont include DHT compaunds like primo and mast. Low dose of anavar and oral winnie is fine for me if I keep it under 6 weeks of use.

Good luck
Any 5ar reduced steroid is considered a dht and can still cause the same sides (mainly aggression, acne, hairloss). Primo is touted as not being hard on the hairline but in my own personal research I came across MANY threads of guys who are actually prone saying primo tore their hairline up. Problem is guys who are not prone to hairloss like to answer when someone asks does X cause hairloss and some guy who wouldn't lose his hair on a cycle of test, tren, mast, and winny pops in and is like oh no X didn't make me lose my hair. Primo causes hairloss people, hell even anavar does (tho to a much lesser extent IMO). ALL DHTS do/can cause hairloss (in those succeptible)...
buzz your hair short/shortish so topical application is easier. Grab some 5% sprio cream/lotion and some 2% nizoral
Any 5ar reduced steroid is considered a dht and can still cause the same sides (mainly aggression, acne, hairloss). Primo is touted as not being hard on the hairline but in my own personal research I came across MANY threads of guys who are actually prone saying primo tore their hairline up. Problem is guys who are not prone to hairloss like to answer when someone asks does X cause hairloss and some guy who wouldn't lose his hair on a cycle of test, tren, mast, and winny pops in and is like oh no X didn't make me lose my hair. Primo causes hairloss people, hell even anavar does (tho to a much lesser extent IMO). ALL DHTS do/can cause hairloss (in those succeptible)...

That's not true. But everything else you said is! If your susceptible to hairloss, any androgen will case troubles. Doesn't matter if its DHT or not. If you're susceptible IMO finasteride will help with testosterone. It will also prevent the 5-a reduction of other compounds tho, thus increasing the levels of the parent compound. That's why it could potentially make hairloss worse with compounds like nandrolone or trenbolone, which metabolize into relatively inert dihydros. By using 5a-r in cycles for those not susceptible to hairloss theoretically you could increase the levels of the more anabolic parent hormone making your cycle more effective.... But itd be important to add at least some exo androgen (that cant be reduced), for libido control and a strong AI as it will increase metabolism into estrogen. But if we prevent conversion into both estrogen and 5 alpha reduction we can increase the anabolic hormone levels Immensely for relatively cheap. No need to up doses.
the primo is definetly the culprit. at 400mg a week i lose hair like i'm on chemo and now don't ever use it. if i want a smooth head i'll just buy a razor
That's not true. But everything else you said is! If your susceptible to hairloss, any androgen will case troubles. Doesn't matter if its DHT or not. If you're susceptible IMO finasteride will help with testosterone. It will also prevent the 5-a reduction of other compounds tho, thus increasing the levels of the parent compound. That's why it could potentially make hairloss worse with compounds like nandrolone or trenbolone, which metabolize into relatively inert dihydros. By using 5a-r in cycles for those not susceptible to hairloss theoretically you could increase the levels of the more anabolic parent hormone making your cycle more effective.... But itd be important to add at least some exo androgen (that cant be reduced), for libido control and a strong AI as it will increase metabolism into estrogen. But if we prevent conversion into both estrogen and 5 alpha reduction we can increase the anabolic hormone levels Immensely for relatively cheap. No need to up doses.

I was always under the impression of only 3 categories of AAS 1.Test(s) 2.DHT(s) 3.19-Nor(s).
Primo subject question

This may belong in another thread or need to be started in a new post . Bu ti havent found anything on the issue in the forums my apologies for jacking the thread , or not noticing the info somewhere else.
But, I have been reading in articles about Primo dvds being viewed as a bridge to next Time to keep gains and strength. Can someone jump in and give me opinions and advice on this matter? Thanks !
This may belong in another thread or need to be started in a new post . Bu ti havent found anything on the issue in the forums my apologies for jacking the thread , or not noticing the info somewhere else.
But, I have been reading in articles about Primo dvds being viewed as a bridge to next Time to keep gains and strength. Can someone jump in and give me opinions and advice on this matter? Thanks !

BS! Any androgen will hamper your test recovery.

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