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Progress Photos...


Dec 4, 2006
In a thread in the main forum Phil asked me to post some pics....
In a little under three months of working with him i have gone from 355 to 298-305 depending on the day... Im going to admit looking at these is super hard but they do look different.. I guess being tall makes the weight loss thing a bit different too...

GO easy on me.. haha
Thanks Phil.....
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I can def see a difference..good work. You are a fucking giant! How old are you? Have you played any sports? Have you considered fighting? With your size and streangth ( i have seen some of your poundages ) you have a good base for mma... especially if your young enough to train for a few years
I can def see a difference..good work. You are a fucking giant! How old are you? Have you played any sports? Have you considered fighting? With your size and streangth ( i have seen some of your poundages ) you have a good base for mma... especially if your young enough to train for a few years

Thank you.. I just turned 25, about 6'10.. I have played LOTS of sports and at one time was pretty good at a couple of them ;).. As far as fighting goes i somewhat detest it.. The only thing i truly like is seeing someone get kicked in the face.. Call me twisted but i find it somewhat funny... I have always been a basketball fan.....:D
Excellent Job man those pictures speak for can definitely see how hard you have worked and how well it has payed off!!!
Keep up the great work
The pictures are not the best but it is VERY easy to tell to depict the progress you have made. Oustanding work. Phil is known for this capability to change lives of people and your in great hands. Job well done.
Thank you.. I just turned 25, about 6'10.. I have played LOTS of sports and at one time was pretty good at a couple of them ;).. As far as fighting goes i somewhat detest it.. The only thing i truly like is seeing someone get kicked in the face.. Call me twisted but i find it somewhat funny... I have always been a basketball fan.....:D
:eek: Holy shit!! You are a monster. I mean that in a good way bro. Man oh man, you stick with this and you will be incredible. A white Paul Dillett maybe? LOL. Well you know what I mean. Great job Huge, just keep with Phil. He will steer you in all the right directions........oh and don't forget the 2g's of protein/lb of body weight!:rolleyes::p:D (j/k) Good job!!
:eek: Holy shit!! You are a monster. I mean that in a good way bro. Man oh man, you stick with this and you will be incredible. A white Paul Dillett maybe? LOL. Well you know what I mean. Great job Huge, just keep with Phil. He will steer you in all the right directions........oh and don't forget the 2g's of protein/lb of body weight!:rolleyes::p:D (j/k) Good job!!

HAHAHA.. Thanks OF.. The 2grams per lb is whatt got me to the before pics.. haha.. Use to be ALOT smaller..
HAHAHA.. Thanks OF.. The 2grams per lb is whatt got me to the before pics.. haha.. Use to be ALOT smaller..
Well let me see here......355 x 2 = OMG that's a shitload of protein. Or a lot of cheeseburgers!! LMAO. Bro you are on a roll, just keep at it and you will get what you want. When ever we meet in a dark alley remind me to call you SIR!! HAHAHAHA keep at it Huge.
see man, have to say awesome work. You found out what you had to do, you hired someone to guide you, you followed what he said and have made some awesome improvements. I bet you are feeling way healthier too.

Keep up the awesome work and i look forward to the next set of progress pics.
Osiris.. I am feeling SO much better!!! I cant even put it into words.. My knees feel better everyday.. The only this is that now that i weigh less i can move better so i do.. This week is the first week in a while my legs have not been sore.. haha.. Getting to run a little bit has been nice..
Well let me see here......355 x 2 = OMG that's a shitload of protein. Or a lot of cheeseburgers!! LMAO. Bro you are on a roll, just keep at it and you will get what you want. When ever we meet in a dark alley remind me to call you SIR!! HAHAHAHA keep at it Huge.

Thanks OF.. You know the funny thing is that i ate REALLY clean.. Just the wrong types of foods and too much at that.. Once a week i did have whatever i wanted and it was generally a feast.. haha I have done a lot to help others with diets but i have neve been able to figure my own body out... Phils philosophy is wonderful for me and i learn something new virtually every day..
Thanks OF.. You know the funny thing is that i ate REALLY clean.. Just the wrong types of foods and too much at that.. Once a week i did have whatever i wanted and it was generally a feast.. haha I have done a lot to help others with diets but i have neve been able to figure my own body out... Phils philosophy is wonderful for me and i learn something new virtually every day..
Just goes to show that even reasonably clean eating can still make you gain fat! Good job Huge, you are learning fast. You will get there in no time.
Just goes to show that even reasonably clean eating can still make you gain fat! Good job Huge, you are learning fast. You will get there in no time.

Thats good to hear!! Its feeling like a LLOOOONNNGGG road ahead of me.. Good support here though..

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