Normal hemoglobin is 97% saturated with oxygen from room air.Administering 100% 02 will not significantly change much of anything outside of a placebo effect. Long duration of 100% 02 is harmful to the human body.
Sorry to throw cold water on this party (well, actually I'm not), but there are NO benefits to pure O2, oxygen bars, or any of that if the partial pressure of oxygen is that of sea level.
In other words, unless yuo're at very high altitude, yuor red blood cells are saturated with all the O2 they can carry, so yuo won't add to this by sucking on pure O2.
Google in "Oxyhemoglobin Curve" and learn why this is an utter waste of time and ineffectual, unless yuo're at high altitude.
Oh, and as to hang-overs - the only thing that clears this is when the conversion of ethyl alcolhol goes first from aldehyde to then acetic acid. All dependant on the liver enzymes (ADH, and ADH) that do this.
Yuo guys need to get yuor info from places other than just muscle boards.
the body consumes O2 during exercise and i would imagine that O2 saturation would decrease as cells are consuming it... that is why you breath harder, deeper, and more frequent when exercising... so providing the body with pure oxygen may help the body recover faster. the pp of O2 decreases in the body as it is converted into CO2.
if pure O2 doesnt do anything then why do they give it to you in the hosptial... placebo effect?
I really don't have an opinion since I have never tried it-in the gym but always hear the "Arnold" myth. Just remember Arnold love to say things for the shock factor and to be different -he also said he had whiskey in his protein shakes.
I just wonder what/if the effects are on O2 levels when severely depleted and what those guys breathe on the side lines in the NFL after they run a 90 yard touchdown back.
seems if one was severely winded and depleted it would help them get their wind back but from a purely bb'ing stand point it's not going to help bulid muscle as if you are continually training hard in a work out hard enough to stimulate that kind of depletion of 02 it's going to be counterproductive as the effort will tear down the body.
I use an oxygen analyzer in one of our processes, and for example normal air is about 19-23% O2.
we give healthy patients O2 on the ambulance all the time.
it makes money sense.
serisiously though... all supplemental O2 does is turn atmospheric O2 (21%) into pure O2 (100%) in the lungs.... it doesnt make Hb more saturated .... if anything it would decrease respiratory rate.