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Question for the IFBB pros (or anyone else)


Featured Member / Kilo Klub
Featured Member
Kilo Klub Member
Jul 30, 2006
I was watching some of the NPC National show this weekend and they had Neil Hill commentating with them and they were discussing how awesome it is to turn pro because it allows you so many more opportunities to to travel and compete world wide , sponsorships , just an overall huge step forward in your life of bodybuilding.

I know a good handful of IFBB pros personally and only two of them are able to compete anymore , the rest have basically "retired" because they can't afford to travel and or simply can't compete at the pro level.

It seems like so many people are in such an rush to turn pro and when they do they are never seen or heard from again

So my questions is , for those that are pros or know pros personally
What has changed for you and your competing lifestyle since you turned pro??
Do you still compete.??
Has being a pro made any positive impact on your life.??
I think this is something that has degraded over time right? Meaning in the 90s promoters paid to get athletes in town, paid all the expenses for the show, etc, whereas now it's all on the backs of the competitor. That definitely sucks. I would definitely be tempted, at first blush, to blame it on the proliferation of pro cards and divisions that has gone on. No contest promoter needs to get any one person to show up to compete.
I have a bunch of friends with pro cards and none of them compete. Unless you’re a top 5 Olympian the real money is all about social media and sponsorships and you don’t need to have pro wins for that - you need to be a great marketer with a unique look and/or schtick. Why spend 10k to fly to Romania to come in 12th place in a show and win $500? Most of my boys with pro cards are trainers/coaches and got the pro card mostly for street cred so clients think they’re legit.
I'd think you would have to define "Pro"
Many years ago there were not many pro's and only one way to get it.
Now there's so many pro's in so many divisions, and subdivisions, and sub-subdivisions. I just can't see a way for a promoter to make money and provide that support to all the pros. I'm sure the top of the top get quite the good benefits though.
It's watered down worse than college football bowl games.
I think this is something that has degraded over time right? Meaning in the 90s promoters paid to get athletes in town, paid all the expenses for the show, etc, whereas now it's all on the backs of the competitor.
I'm going to agree with this. Guys like Jay Cutler have said multiple times that in the '80s and '90s if you turned pro and were marketable, the magazines were after you. People like Weider wanted to feature you in his magazine so he could turn better profits. Supplement companies wanted you in their ads to sell their products. With print media almost dead, the inverse is happening with social media. Sponsorships are likely given based on the company seeing how much of an online following you have. If someone like Bumstead didn't have Instagram, his pro career and opportunities wouldn't be what they are.
My pro card was a lot like my high-school state championship ring, it was nothing more than a goal I set in a sport and I achieved both.
My pro card was a lot like my high-school state championship ring, it was nothing more than a goal I set in a sport and I achieved both.

When I think of Professional Bodybuilder, I only really think it applies to people like you b-boy, not just any new pro card holder. Like legit making money and living of the sport, that sounds like a professional to me (also being big as damn house and shredded even in your off-season; sorry for fanboying :-D )
I'd think you would have to define "Pro"
Many years ago there were not many pro's and only one way to get it.
Now there's so many pro's in so many divisions, and subdivisions, and sub-subdivisions. I just can't see a way for a promoter to make money and provide that support to all the pros. I'm sure the top of the top get quite the good benefits though.
It's watered down worse than college football bowl games.

“Pro” to me means, for what is worth, is when you derive over 50% of your income from bodybuilding.

Does this, -50%, negate being a ‘Pro’ as most / many do not? Relax, they won’t revoke you Pro status but by the looks of things it will help with credibility if you choose to coach if all else fails as it’s usually does 🙁

But always remember . . . you don’t learn how to train a racehorse by asking a racehorse.
I don't follow BB but even I know the only people making money out of pro cards are the IFBB themselves 😂
At least in my opinion, being a PRO is a step up and a great thing.....IF your personal income is coming from somewhere other than competing.

If you are surviving strictly on fitness sponsorships and contracts, 90% of pros careers are over. BUT...if you are lucky enough to have another 9-5 (probably very tough) then maybe you can travel once or twice a year and go do a fun show just for the hell of it. You might not make the top call-out, but traveling the world would be a fun experience and stepping on stage with other monsters. Todd Jewell was a badass SHW back in the day and he was a mechanical engineer. Once he turned pro, im sure he realized his career was donezo, but at least you can continue making money ALONGSIDE your pro status. Go on vacation to Prague....hit the Prague Pro lol that would be cool
(Not sure whatever happened to Todd, im sure he's downsized and a happy man now)

I'm positive that most pros cannot do this, but most pros have fitness woven into their entire existence. And that might not be a good thing when you arent the top dog anymore.
if, like me and my fiancée - 80-90% of earnings are from coaching, contracts, supplement companies, etc., then the pro status helps a lot - but if someone wants to live from winning competitions, even if he wins all the time, he would only be reimbursed travel lol

bodybuilding has never been a sport where you make a living by winning competitions - it's not tennis - you make money around bodybuilding
So my questions is , for those that are pros or know pros personally
What has changed for you and your competing lifestyle since you turned pro?? NOTHING except have to travel farther
Do you still compete.?? YES
Has being a pro made any positive impact on your life.?? DEPENDS-- if youre talking about pride, yes, but everything else,-- nah. I still have to cut the grass every week. -
The IFBB Pro Card has been devalued to an obscene degree. There are so many given out that it's impossible to keep track of who is even a Pro if they don't add it to their IG screen handle.
My evidence?
I have one. (and NO, it's not in my IG name! :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: )

Unless you're a top 10 Olympian or have an HUGE social media presence, all a Pro Card means is either that your competing career is over or it is going to cost a ton more to compete!

It was awesome to accomplish that goal, but like B-Boy said, it was a goal accomplished, that's it.
The IFBB Pro Card has been devalued to an obscene degree. There are so many given out that it's impossible to keep track of who is even a Pro if they don't add it to their IG screen handle.
My evidence?
I have one. (and NO, it's not in my IG name! :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: )

Unless you're a top 10 Olympian or have an HUGE social media presence, all a Pro Card means is either that your competing career is over or it is going to cost a ton more to compete!

It was awesome to accomplish that goal, but like B-Boy said, it was a goal accomplished, that's it.
Congratulations brother, at least you achieved that!
if, like me and my fiancée - 80-90% of earnings are from coaching, contracts, supplement companies, etc., then the pro status helps a lot - but if someone wants to live from winning competitions, even if he wins all the time, he would only be reimbursed travel lol

bodybuilding has never been a sport where you make a living by winning competitions - it's not tennis - you make money around bodybuilding

Lol so completely unrelated - why does it still say “newbie” next to Luki name? Dude has been here almost a decade and posts more than most…
I'm seeing people mention its a whole lot more expensive to compete as a pro. I don't see how? As an amateur I paid my yearly fee + show fee. Now I just pay the yearly IFBB fee. Works out to about the same.

As a pro I have a supplement deal that covers my protein, creatine, pre workout etc (250 worth per month) + $250 cash. I have another deal with a supplement store and they provide me another $250 in supps monthly plus cover my flights and hotel equivalent to $250 monthly ($3000 yearly). Now of course if you're a lazy shit not willing to hustle then none of this will just fall in your lap. Also, if you have no network built and can't provide anything of value then no company will just hand things to you either.

As for the initial questions, nothing has really changed. I enjoy training and ultimately that is the driving force. I am too new of a pro to provide a whole lot of insight at this point.
The IFBB Pro Card has been devalued to an obscene degree. There are so many given out that it's impossible to keep track of who is even a Pro if they don't add it to their IG screen handle.
My evidence?
I have one. (and NO, it's not in my IG name! :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: )

Unless you're a top 10 Olympian or have an HUGE social media presence, all a Pro Card means is either that your competing career is over or it is going to cost a ton more to compete!

It was awesome to accomplish that goal, but like B-Boy said, it was a goal accomplished, that's it.
There are 3 ifbb pros in a gym I train at. One is huge and pretty symmetrical and always lean as fuck. Looks like a pro bodybuilder. The other two are clowns that wear board shorts on stage and only train half their bodies. I call em half men half boys. They both walk around chest puffed out their little bird legs with their belt that’s says their name on it and IFBB pro. If there was no boardshort division they would be nobodies. The pro cards are handed out generously these days. They must be. Far cry from the 80,s and 90,s.
99% of the pros make no money, just from competing.

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