I do not have to say much on this topic since you ALL know where I stand.The bottomline is this,if you are a white,Christian male in this society then you are considered the devil.All the worlds ills are because of you.
#1 We discovered America....we are evil because we brought disease and destruction to the people already here.(The reality is,the people who we conquered actually came from somewhere else and conquered those who were her before them,history my friends,people forget it)
#2 All the advancements in science,the arts,culture,we made the civilized world....all evil deeds.
#3 Slavery..well gee fucking whiz.If I read the history books correctly,from the beginning of time people were conquered and enslaved.The weak suffer and the strong survive.So in Africa at the time(and to this day) blacks were already enslaving blacks from other tribes,Europeans just followed suit.In fact,didn't black tribal chiefs sell us slaves? Fucking hypocrisy.
What many American blacks do not understand is that slavery happenened throughout history,to everybody.It still goes on even today,by their own people back in the homeland.
I think its time you got over it.Why?Because mongrels from every third world country in this world come here,not speaking a word of english,and guess what?They succeed,they thrive,and they get out from the dirt and make it happen.
Now if some uneducated neanderthal from Buttfuck Bangladesh can come here and start a small business and succeed,then why the fuck cant a person born here,educated here,and given every fucking opportunity through our very own government,from affirmative action to government grants,loans,etc. do the same?Because their black?Bullshit,I don't buy it.
It truely is fucking mind boggling. Not enough black coaches....the liberals cry "oh the horror".Not enough blacks in Major league baseball...the liberals cry "oh the horror".Not enough whites in the NBA....and everyone cries "who gives a fuck about the white man."
My point has been made.So who is it that is really being persecuted in this country?You have the answer...wake up.