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Razor Blade for Body Hair?


Jun 11, 2007
I've tried about everything when it comes to shaving my body and have always thought about buying a regular razor blade to do it, but the good ones are pretty expensive and I'm not sure if it even works out.

Does anyone use a regular blade to get rid of body hair?

This is what I've tried so far:

Gillette: Freakin expensive and hard t shave the chest/shoulder area once your bodyfat is low

Electical Shaver: Takes forever

Wax: Hurts like hell, burns, still had some hair left

Nair: Expensive and doesn't work all that great. Plus it smells
Nothing wrong with a razor blade. Mach 3 is good, legs once a week and upper body twice a week................
No, I didn't mean one of those multi-blade razors but an old-fashioned razor blade, like a knife...
I have the hair issue too. My gf bought a philips bodygroomer for me, she assists me in the process once a week, some areas I use a twin blade razor, I prefer waxing sometimes too.

Those knife type blades are not great for body grooming, they are super sharp, it's going to be a headache to use. I have one, but I use it for my face only.
Does the bodygroomer work like it's supposed to? Looks like a regular hair cutter, just smaller..
Does the bodygroomer work like it's supposed to? Looks like a regular hair cutter, just smaller..

It does, it gets closer then a regular hair cutter, still not super close, but it lasts me a week and I am a hairy guy. The thing with the body groomer is, it does not cut or scratch like a regular hair cutter does sometimes on the body. If you want a good smooth finish though in some areas I'd suggest using a twin blade or mach3 type blade. For just average everyday type thing the body groomer is ok.
i use a facial hair/beard trimmer for longer shit.
but i found BIC advance3, they come in 4packs, bout 5$ for the pack, if u hit walmart they have 4+2 packs for the same price, theyr blue and black disposables, and be sure to recycle them. ave the planet!!! lol
phillips makes a below the neck trimmer. i really like it. it is fast and easy to use also. and u can use it in the shower.

if it were a razor, the gillete body razor (believe it is green) works really well also when you combine it with their body shaving gel.
I shave my face with a high quality straight razor; I've been doing so for years. But, I don't think I would even attempt to shave the rest of my body with it. Just sounds like a bad idea. I hate the "name brand" razor companies that have people hooked thinking they get a better shave with their umpteen-blade, power ball, vibrating razor.

As for the body, I use the cheap disposables that can be purchased at the dollar store. They may not be as close of a shave as a straight razor, but you also won't have to risk a trip to the ER. I would especially have trouble in the areas that I have to contort myself to get to.

That being said, I would be inclined to try a quality safety razor for the rest of my body. The blades are extremely cheap. Good ones run about 100/$5.
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I shave my face with a high quality straight razor; I've been doing so for years. But, I don't think I would even attempt to shave the rest of my body with it. Just sounds like a bad idea. I hate the "name brand" razor companies that have people hooked thinking they get a better shave with their umpteen-blade, power ball, vibrating razor.

As for the body, I use the cheap disposables that can be purchased at the dollar store. They may not be as close of a shave as a straight razor, but you also won't have to risk a trip to the ER. I would especially have trouble in the areas that I have to contort myself to get to.

That being said, I would be inclined to try a quality safety razor for the rest of my body. The blades are extremely cheap. Good ones run about 100/$5.

Is a straight razor hard to learn to use? Does it really get ALL of the hair from areas that are difficult like neck? My hair grows in 50 directions and I have never found a blade that could effectively give me a baby smooth finish everywhere..

Also - how do you keep it sharp?

I would love to use one - just don't want to slit my throat while learning to use it..
@Marvin Martian
The learning curve is fairly steep, but the skills come fast. You will cut yourself frequently, but nothing more than a little nick. The real trick is to never stop the razor on the skin. I have never gotten a shave as close as with a straight. Keeping it sharp is a bit of a hassle, but it beats having to buy blades.. (ever) I use a Norton 4k/8k whetstone to keep it honed, and after every shave I strop it with a fine leather strop.
If you are still timid about it, try a safety razor. They can be considered a stepping stone, but moving from a safety razor to a straight is not required. A safety will give you a remarkably smooth shave too. (and the blades are incredibly cheap)

Good luck.

Feel free to PM me if you have any specifics you want cleared.
try a nono
@Marvin Martian
The learning curve is fairly steep, but the skills come fast. You will cut yourself frequently, but nothing more than a little nick. The real trick is to never stop the razor on the skin. I have never gotten a shave as close as with a straight. Keeping it sharp is a bit of a hassle, but it beats having to buy blades.. (ever) I use a Norton 4k/8k whetstone to keep it honed, and after every shave I strop it with a fine leather strop.
If you are still timid about it, try a safety razor. They can be considered a stepping stone, but moving from a safety razor to a straight is not required. A safety will give you a remarkably smooth shave too. (and the blades are incredibly cheap)

Good luck.

Feel free to PM me if you have any specifics you want cleared.

Any advice on which one to buy and where? Have been thinking about trying it for a while. My barber does my fade with one.
There are only so many reputable brands left that still manufacture straight razors. Many people buy old ones and clean them up/send them in to be restored. That can get expensive, though. Dovo is a great brand that still makes a quality razor. Try a Google search or
You will never turn back!

I picked up a "bakblade" a few months ago and it's done the job for me, not perfect but nothing is...

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