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read an old Arnold article

Johnny Bravo

New member
Jun 7, 2002
He was talking about "tank top bodybuilders" Just had to laugh about it, because what he said was so true. How many do you have in your gym?
Have more than a few. Workout in a wife beater and jeans with a 28 in waist with 20 inch thighs and arms almost as big.
Hello. My name is Mike; and Im a tank-top BB. I have taken the first step and admited I am powerless.

Actually didnt know that was weird-all the guys I work our with wear tanks most of the times, or all the time.

Honest, this has nothing to do with showing off, but Id wear one always except for the very coldest months, if people didnt think I was nuts or trying to show off. They are super comfortable and I hate the restrictions of regular shirts. Plus Im always too damn hot in a shirt!
MikeS said:
Hello. My name is Mike; and Im a tank-top BB. I have taken the first step and admited I am powerless.

Actually didnt know that was weird-all the guys I work our with wear tanks most of the times, or all the time.

Honest, this has nothing to do with showing off, but Id wear one always except for the very coldest months, if people didnt think I was nuts or trying to show off. They are super comfortable and I hate the restrictions of regular shirts. Plus Im always too damn hot in a shirt!
ME TOO! :)

I think arnolds point was not about wearing a tank top, but not wearing shorts. I wear a tank top sometimes, and I do it to SHOW OFF!!!:D
When I first got into training I always wore a sweat suit or tshirt. Then when I juiced I weighed 230lbs at 18yrs old, I started wearing those big BB sweaters. It was only 1 year after I was cycling where I got the courage to wear a tank-Top. I liked what I saw and wore a light colored tank-top with a bronze tan ever since! lol Now I just wear fitted t-shirts. well not really fitted its just that x-large fits nice and snugg! :)

Johnny Bravo said:
I think arnolds point was not about wearing a tank top, but not wearing shorts. I wear a tank top sometimes, and I do it to SHOW OFF!!!:D

John-you always look big. But when you wear that tank, you look 15lbs bigger and literally huge. If ya got it - flaunt it! We all work hard for our 'stuff'; damn right we should show it off sometimes IMO. :D

Yup there are a plenty of guys ibn our gym who train upper body hard-especially bench. And dont do legs at all! And-they DO wear shorts! Kinda weird. We call the build BAR MUSCLES (as in the drinking BAR, not BARbell). Actually its so silly, but I must say the guys Im thinking of are really cool dudes...
We have plenty of these tools at my gym. Work all the beach muscles everytime they walk through the door, but not one could squat his own bodyweight.
Bodybuilders should wear tank tops if you got it flaunt it.To me its not about strength its about your look if you look great than show it off fuck you probably busted your ass enough for it.
Bar muscles

MikeS said:

Yup there are a plenty of guys ibn our gym who train upper body hard-especially bench. And dont do legs at all! And-they DO wear shorts! Kinda weird. We call the build BAR MUSCLES (as in the drinking BAR, not BARbell). Actually its so silly, but I must say the guys Im thinking of are really cool dudes...

Funny story for ya, related from a friend. She was a BB'er living in Gainesville, FL, training at Pete's gym - I think its called Gainesville Gym now (different owner, though). Anyway, they'd be lifting Friday night and this guy would come in like clockwork around 7PM, wearing slacks and an Izod. No one ever saw him at the gym at any other time. (If anyone's ever been to this gym, its dirty as all hell, totally rusted and some pretty damn scary (loose) dumbells, so this guy stood out like a sore thumb.) He would walk immediately over to a flat bench, throw a couple quarters on a straight bar and do 3 or 4 sets of curls / reverse grip heave-ho powercleans. After the last set, he'd immediately turn (leaving the wt. on the bar), walk out of the gym, get in his car and drive away.

One Fri. night after training, they decide they're gonna head to a local Sports bar for some food. Capt. Curls walks out as they're leaving the gym. He pulls out in front of them, and drives directly to the Sports Bar! He gets out of his car and walks in with his sleeves jacked up in his armpits. They watch him inside and the guy's constantly got his arms on the bar, rubbing them and stretching them out overhead and shit. Apparently it was a riot.

The dude was going to the gym once a week to pump up the bar muscles for a night of cheap beer and probably cheaper women...

Re: Bar muscles

homonunculus said:

Funny story for ya, related from a friend. She was a BB'er living in Gainesville, FL, training at Pete's gym - I think its called Gainesville Gym now (different owner, though). Anyway, they'd be lifting Friday night and this guy would come in like clockwork around 7PM, wearing slacks and an Izod. No one ever saw him at the gym at any other time. (If anyone's ever been to this gym, its dirty as all hell, totally rusted and some pretty damn scary (loose) dumbells, so this guy stood out like a sore thumb.) He would walk immediately over to a flat bench, throw a couple quarters on a straight bar and do 3 or 4 sets of curls / reverse grip heave-ho powercleans. After the last set, he'd immediately turn (leaving the wt. on the bar), walk out of the gym, get in his car and drive away.

One Fri. night after training, they decide they're gonna head to a local Sports bar for some food. Capt. Curls walks out as they're leaving the gym. He pulls out in front of them, and drives directly to the Sports Bar! He gets out of his car and walks in with his sleeves jacked up in his armpits. They watch him inside and the guy's constantly got his arms on the bar, rubbing them and stretching them out overhead and shit. Apparently it was a riot.

The dude was going to the gym once a week to pump up the bar muscles for a night of cheap beer and probably cheaper women...


LOL! HAHA! Typical "cheeseman" is what I call fags like that.
oh damned now i feel so left out, lol its like the big arms club or so i call them in my gym a pack of morons that sit around talk and do curls lol. the funny thing is that they look down and make fun of any one who does anything else.

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