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Report: Clemens facing perjury charges


Aug 29, 2009
Seven-time Cy Young award winner Roger Clemens will be indicted for perjury for lying at a U.S. House of Representatives hearing about his use of steroids, The New York Times reported Thursday.

An announcement is expected to come later Thursday, according to the report.

Clemens appeared at a hearing before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee in Feb. 2008, repeatedly denying that he had ever used steroids.

His former trainer, Brian McNamee, also appeared at the hearing to repeat allegations that he had personally injected Clemens with steroids.

Clemens accused McNamee of lying in order to avoid federal drug charges for steroid distribution. Clemens sued McNamee for defamation, but the lawsuit was dismissed in Sept. 2009.

Clemens, 48, last pitched in 2007 for the Yankees, capping a 24-year career in which he won 354 games. His 4,672 strikeouts rank third on the all-time list.
dont they have anything better to do leave these guys aloneeeeeeeee
How many of our FUCKIN tax payer dollars are they spending trying to get a conviction on this guy??? How many millions I wonder?
How many of our FUCKIN tax payer dollars are they spending trying to get a conviction on this guy??? How many millions I wonder?

and why is this even percieved as a threat to society. it's been said a million times.....get the rapists, murderers, terrorists etc.
If lying is a crime....

..everyone of those pencil neck geeks in DC would be someone's bitch behind bars! I wonder why so much time and energy is wasted on shit that doesn't effect anyone but that individual. If they didn't make such a big issue of it, no one would know. They say it is to protect the children. They don't want little Johnny to get the idea that all he has to do is take some test & deca and he'll be in the hall of fame. Haven't we learned anything from our past. If you make a big deal about something and tell a kid don't do that. What's the 1st thing that kid is going to do???
they are trying to make an example that steroids are bad and there are "consequences"..

what gets me is people like that dumbshit congressman(henry waxman) in bigger,faster,stronger who did'nt even know the legal drinking age, then hes trying lead the battle against AAS but he doesnt know his asshole from his brain and not to mention they ignore the experts.. oh american politics

id like to see how much time/money they have spent on AAS in sports compared to healthcare etc.
Really at this point, it is well beyond the steroids and HGH. It is plain and simple, Clemons (which I think most people are 100% sure) he lied about his usage, but he took it a step further and was a complete moron and instead of pleading the 5th, like BigMac lied his ass off and basically said fuck you to the congressional panel. He purgered himself and continues to lie to this day. Dont mistake steroids/hgh for the reason they are going after him, at this point it has nothing to do with those, it is because he lied to the federal government under oath. I just hope the feds have a better/tighter case than they had for Blago (Illinois Governer) cause I sure as hell thought his ass was going away with the 24 indictments and phone conversations................
It's really getting ridiculous how Selig is treating the league. They are now giving minor league players blood tests to test for HGH. That is absolutely insane to me.
just goes to show you that talking to the gov't, the fed's or whomever else does absolutely no good what so ever even when its voluntary.
should have pled the fizif. 1..2..3..4..fiiiiiiiif.
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I hope i am not out of line , just stating what i think.

I am going to stuff my self with as much food as I can stick in this fukeing pie hole, screw as many disease caring baby daddys demand a free lap band surgery and take the new week after pill because your cheap ass's won't pay for any more of my kids.

It's my Body keep your laws off of it. (quoted from a feminist)

should have pled the fizif. 1..2..3..4..fiiiiiiiif.

That is where they get you. Since you are not on trial rather at a hearing you can not claim your 5th amendment rights. I think you could pull a Samuel Alito and respond "I don't remember" to everything though. You might look like an ass but they could never prove you actually remembered something unless you were dumb enough to admit it.
Oh spare me... Rodger Clemens is about the biggest idiot walking the earth right about now. Why? Because this idiot didn't even have to go to that hearing, His fucking ego is so damn big he thought he'd go there and make himself look like the damn pope.... But, He lied, That's perjury. Now He's feeling pretty damn dumb and wishes he would've stayed home like any other person with common sense would have done. Sorry Clemens fans but that's the real story!:cool:
Oh spare me... Rodger Clemens is about the biggest idiot walking the earth right about now. Why? Because this idiot didn't even have to go to that hearing, His fucking ego is so damn big he thought he'd go there and make himself look like the damn pope.... But, He lied, That's perjury. Now He's feeling pretty damn dumb and wishes he would've stayed home like any other person with common sense would have done. Sorry Clemens fans but that's the real story!:cool:

Yep I agree with you bro, he seems to have got himself into a situation that is pretty shitty! As i understand it he didn't even have to testify?! what the hell made him want to go in there and do that? Seriously seems like a bad decision to make. Hopefully he is able to get himself out of this without any jail time.
He'll be going to jail. There is far to much precedent for this. Think Martha Stewart.

The whole steroids witch hunt in the united states is assinine. Prohibition has never worked and combining it with a McCarthy'esque witch hunt only makes it uglier.
I don't feel bad for him at all. Clemens did this shit to himself. He knew that he used but he still answered all their dumbass questions. Who else used????? Mark Mcgwire and he was smart about it. He refused to answer most of their questions. He would say I am not going to answer that, I am looking to the future not the past. It is called our 5th admendment right and Clemens should of used it. It was a witch hunt and he knew it but he choose his path by answering all their questions.
Honestly, cyclists, runners, tennis players, swimmers, etc. all use whatever it takes to be competitive. Just because they aren't walking around with 20" guns doesn't mean they arent using performance enhancing compounds.

Why the hell is the government so fixated on baseball. All the top athletes are using something to be at the top or they wouldn't be at the top.

I agree that this is a huge waste of taxpayer money. This shouldn't even be an issue.:mad:

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