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RIP longtime PM member Muscle96ss

Wow such a good dude
I'm so shocked he went so fast.R.I.P BROTHER
Always sad to come on here and see a member has passed. I didn’t know him but read his post. RIP

Threads like this make all the shots fired on here recently seem so frivolous.
I am pretty new hear and didn't know him. But its always sad to hear someone on her is gone. I hope he made peace with his situation and my condolences go out to his family and friends.
Ya it’s a pretty miserable existence I haven’t needed it, fortunately, but it requires a fistula or port put in and like 14g needle used 3-7x a week to gain access and then 5-8 hours having your blood filtered thru machines. And if you don’t do it you die. Special diets and really limited on what you can do. I’m a member of dialysis reddit pages/groups as I was almost forced on it in 2020 seeing how bleak and grim it was was what propelled me to spend a crazy amount of my time and money on trying to avoid it
@trackstar19 not wanting to derail this thread at all but with the heart and kidney issues you’ve overcome, should you ever feel inclined to post all that you did to get you where you are today, I’m positive it would be massively beneficial for the board
Man he was just posting, i remember a while back he had a go fund me and i sent some flow his way… RIP man.. i hate comin to these sites seeing this.
Man he was just posting, i remember a while back he had a go fund me and i sent some flow his way… RIP man.. i hate comin to these sites seeing this.
I wish I would have seen that.
@trackstar19 not wanting to derail this thread at all but with the heart and kidney issues you’ve overcome, should you ever feel inclined to post all that you did to get you where you are today, I’m positive it would be massively beneficial for the board
I second this @trackstar19 I would love to read what measures you took.
I knew him many years on this board. Always a stand up guy and liked. I spoked to him a few times in PM. Sad to hear. He will be missed here. RIP. 🙏
I'm so shocked he went so fast.R.I.P BROTHER
Unfortunately it appears like it wasn’t very a fast process and he suffered for a long time

At least he seemed to have come to terms, and is no longer suffering.

RIP, never knew him personally but always came across like a great guy.
I did not know him, but by all accounts, seems like a great guy. May he rest in peace.
We talked often, great guy! RIP my friend!
Found out on TP’s session chat. I can only Hope he is resting easy and kicking ass once again! RIP MY BROTHER.
Unfortunately it appears like it wasn’t very a fast process and he suffered for a long time

At least he seemed to have come to terms, and is no longer suffering.

RIP, never knew him personally but always came across like a great guy.
No yea I know he was dealing with a lot of health issues for a good while. So I know it wasn't a surprise I should say. I guess I meant so fast as in just the other day he was talking to some here and all a sudden boom.that shocking to me when I here that poor guy. But his no longer suffering RIP
Hope he is in a better place. Respect and RIP.

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