damn..Damn he messaged Tuesday night in the TP group saying he didn’t think he would be here tomorrow.
is dialysis really that bad? from what i've gathered, some people handle it better than others..That’s terrible. We chatted about kidney stuff and me recommending what I did to fix my kidneys for him but he didn’t think it would work for him. Seemed like a nice guy. RIP. Kidney issues are terrible I can’t say I blame him for wanting to avoid dialysis it sounds like hell. Half the reason I spent so much time and money trying to fix my kidneys has been wanting to never have to experience dialysis
This post really hits home. I went into kidney failure over 7 1/2 years ago, had a kidney transplant 5 years ago; and wish I had never fought so hard and just given up. Ironically, this very second, I am in the exact same position as your friend; my GFR is 14, Bun around 100, and creatinine 4.64. I am actually getting ready to go on hospice any day right now. There is no way in hell I will ever do dialysis again or get another transplant. I understand 110% where your friend is coming from. Until you have walked in someone's shoe's who is going through this you cannot relate to the feeling. Dialysis and transplantation is an option for some people; but some people's body don't respond and it becomes a life of daily torture.
Despite my experience, I would recommend that your friend at least try dialysis and see how his body reacts. If its not for him, he can then stop and go on hospice. The bottom line, is there is no point in living if you can't have quality of life and are miserable. At least with hospice they can make him comfortable so he doesn't suffer on his way out.
Ya it’s a pretty miserable existence I haven’t needed it, fortunately, but it requires a fistula or port put in and like 14g needle used 3-7x a week to gain access and then 5-8 hours having your blood filtered thru machines. And if you don’t do it you die. Special diets and really limited on what you can do. I’m a member of dialysis reddit pages/groups as I was almost forced on it in 2020 seeing how bleak and grim it was was what propelled me to spend a crazy amount of my time and money on trying to avoid itdamn..
is dialysis really that bad? from what i've gathered, some people handle it better than others..
regardless, RIP to muscle96ss