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Rob Roy AZ open pics

Rob Roy

Featured Member/KiloKlub
Featured Member
Kilo Klub Member
Apr 25, 2006
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I hope that you can link to these. They are some pics from the AZ. I'm not the best at working my way around the computer. Sorry that it took so long. Will have more for ya very soon. Rob Roy:st:r-wars
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Congrats on your placing. Those pics are great, Especailly the most muscular. Outstanding obliques!!

your brother in Christ,

one more...

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the second pic you posted is sick..posterize that one.
cool pics. move up to the top of the middleweights, bring that same conditioning, and you should do well on the national level.
you look awesome man........great conditioning. peeled and deep seperation. nice work.

only thing i would say is keep bombing your back. heavy deads, rack deads, and rows. and you will be a real tough mdwt at the nationals.:D
db006 said:
you look awesome man........great conditioning. peeled and deep seperation. nice work.

only thing i would say is keep bombing your back. heavy deads, rack deads, and rows. and you will be a real tough mdwt at the nationals.:D

Ditto what he said. The seperation in your quads is sick.. You were spot on the money in your conditioning. Great job.
Nice pics Rob, you are gonna do some serious damage on the national level if you keep going bro, Congrats on a successful season this year....
nice pics robroy! i agree with what dave said about the back, and i would like to see a little more size on the arms and you will bring hell to the national level bro, legs are SICK, hamstrings are SICK, rear delts are SICK, and being that your rear delts look so good you really gotta showcase that back and a little more arm thickness in the rear double bicep pose. your conditioning was spot on bro, you did a hell of a job on the diet. now like me you gotta be careful about being so short and and short waisted that you don't look too thickwasted, like when you scrunch down in some most muscular poses your waist will widen out, and make you look really thick wasted, so you better be sure you flare your lats out whenever possible to distract from that look. i have the same problem bro. as you put on size try and really concentrate on shoulder size and back width. these are just really nickpick things that i think will help you on the next level bro, i hope anything i said isn't taken the wrong way as i just think those things will help you bring it at the next level, you and hutch have a shitload of potential and can go far in this sport, i honestly believe that. GOD bless bro.

It's funny that all of you guys nailed it on the head. That just goes to show the level of talent on this board. Everyone's on the same page around here. I did have about two months off of all upper body training and didn't return to training upper until 10 weeks out from these pics. The back situation is right on though. I've never had deads in my program because early on in my career I was always warned that "deads are just going to make your waste too big". Hogwash! I am now going to wrap my program around my deads and arms. I'll pack on 20 lbs. of lean mass before I start dieting down for Jr. Nationals. This I can guarantee. I'm on a mission this year. In the past I had many restrictions with my training, dieting and competing because of the company that I worked for. They not only didn't support competing they prohibited it. I left that company to work for myself so that I could follow my passion. So this will be my first full year of a real off season to gear up to compete. I'll step on stage at 176.25 next year with better conditioning than I had this year. Thanks, bboy,bd,db,jaysee,sambo,bserker,hutch and lucky. Rob Roy :st:r-wars
hey bro........take the hips out of it, and concentrate on rack deads from just below the knee. and incorporate them from the floor occasionally. also heavy rows, even though for your back will make you arms thicker. heavy hammers and pinwheels will give you nice thickness as well.

good luck bro......sounds like your on a mission. you got all the tools. you should do real well.
So you're planning on doing the Jr. Nationals? That would be very cool - myself, bulldog21, weight78 and maybe db006 are also doing it... the more the merrier.
Great minds think alike...

db006 said:
hey bro........take the hips out of it, and concentrate on rack deads from just below the knee. and incorporate them from the floor occasionally. also heavy rows, even though for your back will make you arms thicker. heavy hammers and pinwheels will give you nice thickness as well.

good luck bro......sounds like your on a mission. you got all the tools. you should do real well.
Thanks for the advice. We're on the same page. I was thinkin the same as far as the half deads are concerned. I definately dont need my legs to take over. I started workin hammers in a while back n they really started to seperate my arms. When am I going to see more of those poptart recipes. LOL. I actually used poptarts last saturday to load up.
Hell yeah...

!berserker said:
So you're planning on doing the Jr. Nationals? That would be very cool - myself, bulldog21, weight78 and maybe db006 are also doing it... the more the merrier.
That would be dope. All of you guys are awesome on here. It'll be great to meat up there. Chicago is actually my homeland. So my family will actually be able to see me compete for the first time. My line up for next year is Jr.s, USA's, and Nationals.
Rob Roy said:
Thanks for the advice. We're on the same page. I was thinkin the same as far as the half deads are concerned. I definately dont need my legs to take over. I started workin hammers in a while back n they really started to seperate my arms. When am I going to see more of those poptart recipes. LOL. I actually used poptarts last saturday to load up.
imnot sure if it was you or hutch, but one of yous had a great pop tart recipe. the smores one, with brown sugar poptarts, fluff and a hershey bar. good shit. the only the i would add to that is a scoop of vanilla ice cream. but the possibilities are endless with those things.
Damn bro, great looking physique. I missed the show.



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