He is by far my favorite bodybuilder, so brutally huge almost beyond belief!! is he still around? i never hear his name anymore, just see some pics from '98 and that was a while ago.
I'm with ya bro. I think this guy has a great look, that is a great pic too. Haven't heard anything from him in a while though. Too bad we don't see him more.
Last time I have even seen him was in musclemag! It was an article covering a contest that I cannot remember but anyway he placed porley and the author of the article was said something like this " His legs are so ingordged with god knows what that they are incabable of stirations" I cannot remember the exact words but it was something liuke that and I haven't seen him or read anything about him since!! I hope he is doing well though as the dude is a freak!!
Roland did have a freaky ass look to him. Anyone know if he and Markus Ruhl ever stepped on the same stage before? Those 2 monsters would be a sight to see.