I nearly tore off my right-side infraspanatus doing stupid shit on the bench, post-cycle.
They reattached it to the bone and shaved the acromium (sp) when they were in there. They told me to keep it in a sling and to NOT MOVE it for like 4 weeks after the surgery. After it came outta the sling, it was literally locked up. I couldn't even reach my mouth to brush my teeth. Rehabilitation was a BITCH - very slow and disappointing. But - I stuck with it. After about 6 months I went into the gym. I got brave and thought I'd bench press. I layed down and grabbed the bar (with no weights) to warm up. It took all I had to just get a couple of reps!! Talk about frustrating!
Again - I just stuck with it and progressed SLOWLY.
END RESULT: I've FAR EXCEEDED the amount of weight I benched pre-surgery!!
Just be smart about your recovery and as Winston Churchill said - Never, Never, Never, Never, Never Give Up!!