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Running Igf-1Lr3 on a Keto diet.....


Mar 12, 2010
I'm curious if it's worth running igf-1Lr3 on a keto diet or if I would be better off just waiting to run it when I decide to come off keto ?

Also how would you go about running it durring Keto ?

I am aware of what it is Hogg, I have ran it before which is why I am smart enough to ask about using it on a Keto diet before just doing it. Only on carb up days would suck, that would only be once a week.....

Also there is a Targeted Keto diet that allows for carbs around workouts, that is what I am curious about...... Anyone tried it ?
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Sorry, wasn't trying to be a smart ass. I only use it 2 days a wk preworkout. I usually take in 150 grms of carbs pre and during workout. I think most take in less. So there might be way to target it. Since you're starting from ketosis, you might wanna be careful and keep a little dextrose on hand.
It's all good Hogg, what I have read about the TKD is you can consume a certain amount of carbs pre and post workout and it was based on weight which would allow me to have 65 pre and 65 post, I think that would work pretty good with the Lr3, I'll have a 65g dextrose, 50g whey shake on hand for post and can sip on that if I start feeling funny....
that's kind of funny, if you want to load carbs why not use slin? way cheaper, isn't the point of using igf1 to try and increase cell numbers and increase protein synthesis? not just to carb load?
Exactly.... I'm looking to increase cell numbers and the best possible way to do so while staying on a keto diet..... Any expirience ?

Also I already have the igf-1Lr3 and from what I have read slin can be pretty dangerous, I haven't even looked into using it.
i have no experience with igf1; but from everything i have read it should work just fine on a high protein diet, i was trying to make the point that igf1 should not be used for the sole purpose of loading carbs!
Im new here

But i find that insulin is not dangerous at all. I have found is valuable and important as test this off-season i feel my slin days have been a hug contribution to the gains have made this off season i need to get pictures on this here soon to display its benifits. I have done 2 slin days a week for awhile. And have changed it to one day a week on my back training day. Im going to start igf -1 soon after i finish the peptides im on now. Any advice?
But i find that insulin is not dangerous at all. I have found is valuable and important as test this off-season i feel my slin days have been a hug contribution to the gains have made this off season i need to get pictures on this here soon to display its benifits. I have done 2 slin days a week for awhile. And have changed it to one day a week on my back training day. Im going to start igf -1 soon after i finish the peptides im on now. Any advice?

I think a lot of people are scared shitless about using slin b/c they think or are afraid of becoming a diabetic or dying from improper use. Slin if used wrong can cause some serious problems. With that being said I have a couple of questions Bcuttz which I am curious about, why do you only use slin 2x's a week and not every W/O, also how much do you take at one time. I have been told by several competitive BBer's that you must take slin to get big period end of story, I for one am hugely gun shy for the aforementioned reasons..........almost ashamed to admit it.!!!
What's funny is the statement; 'insulin is not dangerous at all'' Improper use can only cause coma and/or death. Personally, I beleive it's the culprit in so called 'GH gut' instead of igf from GH. Most of the bad cases are proceed by huge gains. I've used it in the past but now that my goals are different...
Jony Test how is the keto going? Are you checking tetones? How fast are you getting back in ketosi?Ik. Thinking about doing sonething along the same lines. Not in ketosi but I doing peps and pushing back fats and carbs the other 5 days. Something like you protcol would make the fat lose kick in faster.

Hey Hogg my ckd is over, I did it for 5 weeks before I went on a week vacation, I was checking for ketones with the keto strips I purchased but only saw traces a couple times but I could clearly see results in the mirror.

Now that I am back from vacation I have started a tkd and igf-1Lr3, but it's only been a couple days so I'll have to see how it turns out, this is being done during PCT so anything could happen.....
Trace reading is all you really want for bodybuilding. Getting on the dark end is more for ppl who are sick or fat. I used to get a trace reading the next day from carb up by taking phenformin in the evening. Post an update later if you don't mind. I just saw this post is why I'm slow responding.

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