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SCAMMED!!!!!!!!!!!!! BANK TO FAULT?????????????????

Steak Helmet

Sep 4, 2002
WEll...a friend of mine;) ;)

has been talking to a woman that wanted a diet and training program...she claimed ot be a model...and since he had modeling connections, he offered to help her. this toook over the course of 6.5 weeks.

For 2 weeks they talked about everything...then she

well, she sent $17,000.00 and told him to keep $5,000.00 for himself...she just really wanted to get out of her country and her VISA expired in 1 month.

Now my friend is very very very very very very very very not believing of people...he does not trust many....but the bank cleared the checks.

The checks arrived and the teller informed him that the checks do not look right and a hold will be put on them...he said sweet put them on for as long as you like. WEll, then he e-mails his bank support line and they e-mail him back and let him know that SHE RESEARCHED HI ACCOUNT AND ALL THE CHECKS WILL BE CLEARED 3 days sooner than what the bank teller told him...now in his eyes this shows that on this date that the money clears, all should be good??? Well, so he waits another 3 days after it clears to draw out any money. He goes in and withdraws $9,000.00 to send her 6,000.00 and keep 3,000 for himself for some goodies that are pending. WEll, a couple days go by and he is at work and checks his account....THE CHECKS DID NOT CLEAR AFTER ALL!!!! The bank says that they have to by law release the funds in 11 days no matter what...well they waited only 4 days...if they would have waited the full 11 days, the checks would have been returned and this problem would not have happened. TRUST ME my friend ;) thought this was 99% scam, but when the checks cleared and even the teller said it was good to go, how could he go wrong?????

My friend even thinking this was a scam asked the woman if she wanted him to just cash the checks and send the money or depoist them and wait for the checks to clear...now she said wait for them to clear why try and send something that is not there???

NOW his account reads -2700.00 SO for all you that he has pending things with...well we will have to wait on somethings until this shit gets cleared up.

the bank is taking no blame...even though the branch manageer said that their teller should have put the max hold on it of 11 days...they are taking no blame for this...he stated that it will be fought and his name will be sent to collections.

Let me know what you guys think????

So if people here could send $5.00 to his paypal account to help for his lose, I am sure he would love you all ;) I know that will not happen:):):):):)

HERE IS THE PIC TO WATCH OUT FOR...well he VISA...taht she claims expires and she needs to get out.
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holly shit,i know the guy who had the same thing,i would love to know more about it.it was the same thing,but actualy she sayed that she is from diferent country and all this shit.so the guy did the same thing what friend did,the checks cliered and after 5 days they called him and they frozed his bank acc,and all his money.
so the guys was going nuts,and he did send money to her.so he lost all that money,and he still have problems with his acc.
sorry to know that more guys are fucked over.
Im just not unbderstanding I guess?
She sent a personell check to your friend? why not a money order or Wu?
Sounds Like she duped him..Not the bank. Or he duped himself trying to beleive something he KNEW was to good to be true?

you lost me at the end with the visa part and her needing to get out?
sounds like scamm from the beginning my friend...Just from what Im trying to peice togather from the story here....some scammers are very good and convincing...
I get people asking me to do weird crap like that in emails. This didn't start through an email did it? Luckily I'm too lazy to follow through with anything so it's impossible for me to get scammed.
BigBoyJ said:
I get people asking me to do weird crap like that in emails. This didn't start through an email did it? Luckily I'm too lazy to follow through with anything so it's impossible for me to get scammed.

that guy got her from american single website,or something like that,she send him pics talk to him on the phone,hes was braging about her 24/7,and the next thing you know he is in the deep shit.
She used www.qchex.com to send the money....

They know the money will not clear, so they push for you to send the money soon.

they talked for like 6 weeks before anything about money came up.

Her country takes 30% of all funds coming in to an account unless it is WU US cash.

WEll, he knows that 99% of this is a scam, but once the checks cleared, he thought all was good. The bank would not put funds in your account that do not exsist?????
so the bank did clear them? They put the money in your acount then all the sudden said Ooops!~? She Him man..you know the banks dont give a damn..
I hate banks and Lawyers, But even more i Hate a F`king scammer.

Im sorry to here it bro..In the end how much has your friend lost?
jerrywear said:
that guy got her from american single website,or something like that,she send him pics talk to him on the phone,hes was braging about her 24/7,and the next thing you know he is in the deep shit.

Excatly she called like everyday...sent her modeling pics in hope to get someone to notice her...SCAM SCAM SCAM SCAM.

in hte past they wanted you to just cash the money and send it all...now they know that the banks will submitt funds for the client way before the checks bounce.

Steak Helmet said:
She used www.qchex.com to send the money....

They know the money will not clear, so they push for you to send the money soon.

they talked for like 6 weeks before anything about money came up.

Her country takes 30% of all funds coming in to an account unless it is WU US cash.

WEll, he knows that 99% of this is a scam, but once the checks cleared, he thought all was good. The bank would not put funds in your account that do not exsist?????

Steak i am from europe and i know how it works,and trust me its no 30%,and she knew how to get him.you can wire transfer up to 9K and that will cost you close to nothing,and no 30%.
but i am really sorry for your friend.
Steak Helmet said:
Excatly she called like everyday...sent her modeling pics in hope to get someone to notice her...SCAM SCAM SCAM SCAM.

in hte past they wanted you to just cash the money and send it all...now they know that the banks will submitt funds for the client way before the checks bounce.


i know bro,the thing what really i didnt like was,that we all do work make hard money,save them,and f... face like that just dont give a 2 f.... who are you what you do,or how you going to be after you going to get f...ed.ar you going to have money to buy food and just all this shit.
and the worst thing was i TOLD him not to do that,but he did it.
It wouldn't be the bank's fault. A bank will place a deposited check on hold until it can be reasonably sure it's not going to come back unpaid by the issuing institution. Releasing the funds earlier than what the teller indicated doesn't mean the check was paid by the bank it's drawn from, it means your bank is reasonably sure it's not going to be returned to them and that you have a good history with your bank. What most people don't realize is that banks don't "talk" to each other; when you deposit a check into your bank, they send it to the bank the check's drawn from for collection. The bank the check's drawn from doesn't contact your bank to say that "ok, check # so and so for Mr Smith is paid. You can make those funds available to him". With the millions of checks that are processed each day that would be close to impossible. Instead, your bank will only be notified if the check is no good, by receiving it back unpaid at which point they will have to debit your account for whatever amount the check was for. Checks are a major risk, that's why most retailers won't accept them, and if they do there is usually a long hold time (for mail order) and a steep returned checks charge.

Hope that helps to clear things up. :)
Steak, I have to say this

With all due respect to you, your friend sounds like a fool. I hope that people here are smarter than that, but I guess potential pussy will make some people do just about :rolleyes: anything. I dont know, I have been with alot of women and cant remember one , that I would be foolish enough to believe anything like that from. Maybe its just me. Either way, hope everything goes well for you friend
WEll the tthing that pisses him off the most is, the branch manager even stated that the teller should have put a longer hold on it since she had never seen one of those checks before.

He thought that since the funds we in his account and no longer pending, that the money was there and had cleared...the online support people said that they researched the account and that all funds will be avaliable the day after such and such date.

oh trust me not a happy man
I bet she was Hot wasnt she? ;)
sorry man its not funny.. But seriously was she a hot russian or something?
did you get a chance to see your friends pics she sent?

Some good scammers out there..Ive seen some sly stuff. Im sure your hes not the only one this has happened to. Maybe he needs to Track her down and shove a wiffle ball bat- ** *** ***
Different type of Scam

I had a friend sell his Harley on a swap meet website. This guy from Japan sends him 20K in money orders. 10K for the bike and 5K for him to ship the bike to his friend in New York. The other 5K goes to the guy in New York for him to ship the bike to Japan. He deposited the M.O's and the same thing happened. They came back as phony. I told him to wait a few weeks for them to clear before he shipped the bike and the 5K. Luchily he listened or he would've lost 5K, his Harley, and the money to ship the bike to New York. :eek:
Man thats some crazy ass stupid shit ,, your friend needs to find a girl and keep his money in his bank where it belongs , shit sounds so ridiculously desperate , and i bet you that so called model chick was a ugly ass ho or a dude :eek: , but then again on the other hand i feel kinda sorry for your friend and hope he learns from his mistakes.

you sure seem to know alot about the situation hope your friend isnt YOU lol jk bro sorry to hear it either way.
man people are doing that kind of shit all the time on EBAY with cars, sending a cashiers check thats fradulent and asking you to send X amount of dollars back, then the check dont clear!!!

ahh man this just pisses me off reading this!!

i have this new drug i can sell your buddy that will make him super smart and immune to scamming women...

it woll only cost him $5000.00...

the new magic drug looks like and even says "bayer asprin 325mg" on the tablets but dont worry as thats just a cover up incase the govt sees the pills..

you can trust me... i'm a guy from another country you never met... honest!

seriously, sorry for your buddy bro.. that sucks...lesson learned. :rolleyes:
Yea I know..Its easy to sit back and realize now it was a BIG mistake
But I know how some scammers are Very convincing and good at what they do..

Im sure she-they realized you were leary and would check to see if funds cleared.. Loks they it must have been good enough for even the bank to
have been tricked..BUT you know the bank is going to cover there ass
they dont care what troubles or costs you have as long as they cover themselves. I hate banks..I hate lawyers..I REALY hate scammers.
My buddy keeps telling me that she is calling him and accusing him of taking her money...

TOO FUNNY he e-mailed her calling her a fucking whore ass bitch for sending fake checks.

he got lucky...the bank is taking teh loss since they did not put the max hold on the checks...I am sure the teller does not have a job anymore.

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