OK so here is the deal. I have been on supertest for the past five weeks. I had a shot today. I found out that a team in Europe wants me to sign to play club football over there. I read through the contract and there is shit about random drug tests. If I were to test positive, my contract would be terminated and I would have to find my own way home, which would be almost impossible since they don't pay a whole lot. I know that this shit stays in my system for 3 months. Since today is going to be my last shot and I wont be over there until late May/ early June, that gives me 10 weeks before the first game. Is there a way that if I were to be tested that I would test positive? Is there anything I can do, besides stop takin it, that will make me not test positive? I will take any and all advice into consideration.
Thanks, Rock31
Thanks, Rock31