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Self improvement


Dec 13, 2007
I have been reading a few books in the area and listened to a few CDs as well.

I have got e-mails from people that have all the answers and promise to teach others how to succeed in life.

There are a few programs that interested me but I believe that they all are snake oil.

I want more money, less conflict, more time to enjoy life.

Have any of the members of this board used any of these programs and recommend one? Why?
i don't know about the self help gurus. maybe there are some good ones. i like ancient wisdom. the dharmmapada and the christian new testament taught me a lot. ghandi had some great ideas that fall in line with these teachings also.
i don't know about the self help gurus. maybe there are some good ones. i like ancient wisdom. the dharmmapada and the christian new testament taught me a lot. ghandi had some great ideas that fall in line with these teachings also.

More money, less conflict and more time to enjoy life...I think thats everyone wants. LOL. I'm not sure there is one simple answer to that. I think its a multi step approach. First, identify what you want. Second, identify the steps to get you there, the behavior, the methods etc. Last, follow through. I think if you want to be happy and successful, you need to surround yourself with others that want or already have the same thing. As you mentioned there are many books, dvds etc on the market. In a way its an individual thing, you need to find what works best for you and your situation and goals. Peace.
I have been reading a few books in the area and listened to a few CDs as well.

I have got e-mails from people that have all the answers and promise to teach others how to succeed in life.

There are a few programs that interested me but I believe that they all are snake oil.

I want more money, less conflict, more time to enjoy life.

Have any of the members of this board used any of these programs and recommend one? Why?

Nobody will ever be able to teach you without desire and pure hard work. What is sucess? Well, everyone has a different outlook on that, some money, some sports, some just peace of mind. I personally think life's experiences will teach you alot. I operated a couple of small businesses with sucess without a degree or money or formal training. How did I do it? I wanted it more than anything and I worked my ass off. (Bodybuilding gave me good work ethic) First you got to decide what you like to do, write down goals, short and long term, and a good solid plan. I learn over the years what works or doesn't. Also, you have to be diversified, especially in today's economy. Life is what you put in it. I had good and bad experinces over the years, I look at everyone as a learning opportunity. I am not a millionare, but for 6 hours of work I make 6 figures, my wife doesn't have to work and I pay my bills on time. I don't work for anyone and make a decent living, that to me is sucess. If you have any questions of how to get started or need advice, PM me. I consider my life blessed and like to pass it on.
Tony Robbins
A good cd to listen to is
Zig Ziglar - How to get what you want.
I've listened to it about 6 times.

A good place to start is motivational books.
I'll post the names of (good) books that I've read when I get home.
I have read alot of motivational books and heard some cds too..i dont have any favorites or anything they all served their pupose at the time...really helped me stay positive during a stressfull time

To he;p stay positive and focused try writing all your goals down and rewrite them everyday. This will keep your goals in site all the time and before you know it you'll be crossing the acheived goals off the list and you'll be adding new ones! that's what I've gotten out of a couple of motivational guys
I want more money, less conflict, more time to enjoy life.

This isn't a program, per se, but it is something that over a couple years helped me significantly to change my thinking and therefore change my life...less conflict, more time to enjoy life:

books and CD's by Wayne Dyer.

It's got a varied spiritual focus...not religious, yet pulling from the wisdom of the great traditions of the world, as well as from western psychology.
Thanks guys, yes I have to define clear goals in order to know what to pursue.
Contrary to what others say I believe that 2009 is going to be a great year, the economy sucks therefore it is time to develop a good gaming plan and prepare yourself to be on the top instead of wait to see what will happen.

I am getting a partner to do sales for me as I am not native speaker and my forte is presentation and dealing with people one-on-one.

Taking a bunch of courses from Paul Chek, implementing some of his ideas and will do Poliquin levels 1 and 2 (I have Biosignature already)

I just started reading this book from John Assaraf called The Answer and I am loving it as it explains to you precisely how and why you develop habits and how to change them.

I self imposed to develop an action plan for my body, business and personal relationships for the year 2009 by the end of the month.

Not new years resolutions just the right time to do the right thing.;)

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