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slight euphoria from igf?


Jul 7, 2010
Is it normal for a rat to feel like its twenty bucks better about a half hour after its dose of igf? My rat was given its dose, started doing his exercises and was feeling like it was just another day, when like third exercise, the rat seemed to just wake up, and seemed just ready for it. then, the second dose of the experiment, same thing. I would brush off the first, bit the second time was even more seemingly clear. have any of you researchers out there experienced this?
Is it normal for a rat to feel like its twenty bucks better about a half hour after its dose of igf? My rat was given its dose, started doing his exercises and was feeling like it was just another day, when like third exercise, the rat seemed to just wake up, and seemed just ready for it. then, the second dose of the experiment, same thing. I would brush off the first, bit the second time was even more seemingly clear. have any of you researchers out there experienced this?

Damn, i haven't even introduced myself yet. I will shoot over to the intro forum immediately. I started an afcount here a while back, I come over and read and forgot to introduce myself.
You got my attention with the title. I have had similar, but slightly different experiences. But, I'd say yes. I have had the same type of experience using peg-mgf. I used to really feel great right after taking my mgf shot right after my workout.

But, I really notice honest to goodness euphoria at times (strangely not every time, but it's obvious at other times) when I'm using ipamorelin/cjc combo with GH. My protocol looks like this: 9 mg melatonin, 1 hr later I take 100 mcg of cjc/ipamorelin and notice a bit of euphoria at times, then 15 min later I have 1-2 iu of GH and notice even more euphoria. Like I say, at times it's very noticeable and obviously not just a placebo type thing. I can literally feel it. And, other times, I don't "feel" anything at all- or don't notice anyway.
You got my attention with the title. I have had similar, but slightly different experiences. But, I'd say yes. I have had the same type of experience using peg-mgf. I used to really feel great right after taking my mgf shot right after my workout.

But, I really notice honest to goodness euphoria at times (strangely not every time, but it's obvious at other times) when I'm using ipamorelin/cjc combo with GH. My protocol looks like this: 9 mg melatonin, 1 hr later I take 100 mcg of cjc/ipamorelin and notice a bit of euphoria at times, then 15 min later I have 1-2 iu of GH and notice even more euphoria. Like I say, at times it's very noticeable and obviously not just a placebo type thing. I can literally feel it. And, other times, I don't "feel" anything at all- or don't notice anyway.

I wondered if it was from the igf. That's the only thing that it could be. I am using mgf post as well.
Well, even mgf is a form of igf-1, gh peptides increase igf-1 release and so on. So, I think you are on to something there. Maybe something about high igf-1 levels induce slight euphoria with some people.
Well, even mgf is a form of igf-1, gh peptides increase igf-1 release and so on. So, I think you are on to something there. Maybe something about high igf-1 levels induce slight euphoria with some people.

It is almost like the eyes open more and now its go time. I'm okay with it i suppose. Least I know the igf I got for a steal isnt hcg, it is igf. Oooowee!
Is it normal for a rat to feel like its twenty bucks better about a half hour after its dose of igf? My rat was given its dose, started doing his exercises and was feeling like it was just another day, when like third exercise, the rat seemed to just wake up, and seemed just ready for it. then, the second dose of the experiment, same thing. I would brush off the first, bit the second time was even more seemingly clear. have any of you researchers out there experienced this?

Ive always used my IGF1LR3 after my workouts so Ive never experienced what you have. Keep us updated.
It is almost like the eyes open more and now its go time. I'm okay with it i suppose. Least I know the igf I got for a steal isnt hcg, it is igf. Oooowee!

Rhino, how are you brother, I am glad to see that you are enjoying the IGF......wait bro, it only gets better from here on out, between the euphoria and the pumps you will be on cloud 9 more than you can believe. Keep up the good work and congrats on coming to this board glad to have you here.
Rhino, how are you brother, I am glad to see that you are enjoying the IGF......wait bro, it only gets better from here on out, between the euphoria and the pumps you will be on cloud 9 more than you can believe. Keep up the good work and congrats on coming to this board glad to have you here.

Right on brother, it seems to be going really well. I don't know how long it takes to see results, but i swear my arms are looming slightly more rounded. I had a guy see me last week, we talked, he checked me out, then saw me this week and said man you are def getting bigger. Your arms look huge Bro. I said from last week? He said yes. Thank you sir, you rock.

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