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slin pinz for delts/chests ?


Featured Member/ Kilo Klub
Featured Member
Kilo Klub Member
Nov 16, 2002
who here uses slin pinz for injections ?

I have a scar tissue problem and thought it might be the solution ... or maybe a 1" ?
Hey Mike,
pushing oil tru a 29gage pin is work man...even worse is loading th damn thing..it could take 20mins to load 1ml into a slin pin :)

here are yer besyt options..
1. get a higer gauge 5/8ths pin to (i use 25's) to use on a standard 3ml syringe. its 1/8th's longer than a typical slin pin length, and will insure a deep enuff injection.. This way you can laod with a lower gauge as usual, like a 20 or 18..but you gotta be fairly lean if yer gonna use a short needle like that, I use em for delt shots, and push it against the skin harder than if i use a longer pin. on chest as long as your not holding alot of BF they would be great.

2. Use a higher gauge 1" pin, the highest I can comfortably push oil thru is a 27 gage, even water based suspension products thats about as small as I have found I can use, any smaller and the partickles get stuck in the pin and make for a pain in the ass, again using a standard 3ml syringe with a larger gauge to load, then all you gotta do is change the pin to inject, and you dont have the hassel of trying to load with a little needle that takes forever...I have some 1/2" 30 gauge pins that I use for some high volume water based injects, they look funny as hell on a 3ml syringe but they work in the right applications.
I've never used a slin pin but I always use a 25 gauge 5/8 for delts.I'm always pretty lean so they are more than long enough for me.I also have quite a bit of scar tissue but with a 5/8 you can hit anywhere on the delts alot easier than a 1 inch.
sickboy said:
I've never used a slin pin but I always use a 25 gauge 5/8 for delts.I'm always pretty lean so they are more than long enough for me.I also have quite a bit of scar tissue but with a 5/8 you can hit anywhere on the delts alot easier than a 1 inch.
i plan on using this on my outer thigh, very little body fat there so I know I will get in the muscle.
less chance of aspirating blood too.
I like to avoid scar tissue as well, so I always use slin pins in places like chest,traps,calves,etc....but I only use stuff like B12 and hcg. No oil though.
Been using for last year or so. Dont try to draw the oil in lets be smart here...use a regular 18gauge or whatever with normal syringe, fill to 1cc pop out slin plunger and fill up....put plunger in place, turn upside down ...let air bubble float to top and replace plunger. Observe sterile tecnique.

Can't belive you guys tried to draw up oil with slin pin.....damn. Works great.
LEX said:
Been using for last year or so. Dont try to draw the oil in lets be smart here...use a regular 18gauge or whatever with normal syringe, fill to 1cc pop out slin plunger and fill up....put plunger in place, turn upside down ...let air bubble float to top and replace plunger. Observe sterile tecnique.

Can't belive you guys tried to draw up oil with slin pin.....damn. Works great.
I could not imagine anyone trying to draw oil with anything thinner than a 21g.
I am curious though how much thicker is Test E compared to syntherol
LEX said:
Been using for last year or so. Dont try to draw the oil in lets be smart here...use a regular 18gauge or whatever with normal syringe, fill to 1cc pop out slin plunger and fill up....put plunger in place, turn upside down ...let air bubble float to top and replace plunger. Observe sterile tecnique.

Can't belive you guys tried to draw up oil with slin pin.....damn. Works great.

Im gonna have to try this. Will oil come out of a 29gauge slin pin?
yea man all day , it takes a few extra seconds and you can heat it up a little bit
thanks guys I'll switch to it
of course I won't use a slin pin to draw oil loooool

scar tissues are really a pain in the ass but I have to deal with it now

and now I have some on my triceps which were my favourite place to inject :(
Hey bro,

try a bioinjector. There hard to get a hold of but that will totally solve your problem. If you dont know what that is just google it. In short it is a c02 powered devise that blows the oil through your skin....no needle.....no asperating....no scare tissue....no hitting viens.

Some people think you cant shoot oil through them........yes you can. I do it all the time. the only draw back is you can only do 1ml at a time so if your injecting a lot of mls it may not be worth it for you.
bigdho said:
Hey bro,

try a bioinjector. There hard to get a hold of but that will totally solve your problem. If you dont know what that is just google it. In short it is a c02 powered devise that blows the oil through your skin....no needle.....no asperating....no scare tissue....no hitting viens.

Some people think you cant shoot oil through them........yes you can. I do it all the time. the only draw back is you can only do 1ml at a time so if your injecting a lot of mls it may not be worth it for you.

maybe a good idea but I don't iften inject 1ml only

is there a cheap place to get one ?
mike1107 said:
maybe a good idea but I don't iften inject 1ml only

is there a cheap place to get one ?

Thats the problem....there very hard to find. I found mine on ebay. You have to check often and one will pop up every so often. They cost around 3-4 hundred dollars.

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