I am thinking several things as I read this, Swol.
It seems to me that every time I have done a bunch of last minute changes to my plan....I screw up. Everytime I hear about someone looking awesome, but then turning up at a show looking worse than they did in the gym....it's because they were all dieted down and not thinking straight. Then acting on that irrational bullshit going on in their heads...they do something dumb and screw up their look. DON'T DO THAT. lol....
In your case, it's sort of different. I guess I remember a post where you were questioning the wisdom of adding water retentive drugs into your contest regimine quite a while ago. Maybe the guy advising you has his shit together and knows your body better than you do? I don't know.
When I look at the pics you've posted I think you look awesome every time. You've always looked dry and lean as hell, plus big and full. [ I have yet to pull that off...I am usually small and hard as hell or big, fat and full...never both! ] When I looked at your pics I can tell you what I thought when I read your post questioning the wisdom of adding in those drugs you mentioned ....I thought "why in the hell does this guy need someone to advise him on show prep"? Look at those posts...everyone is saying you are contest ready at 4 weeks out!!!
So...I understand your fears! Shit man, most folks I know drop the oil based test 4 weeks out...go to the water based [suspension]if they do test at all. Do some proviron....win...halo...I personally hold water like a lake....I have those sock lines in my ankles at the end of the day all the time just living life...so I have to watch water retentive substances getting ready for a show for sure. The last time I did a show....just winstrol every couple days...clen.
I think I remember you posting the supplements you usually take...I remember thinking...that looks good to me.
Who is your prep guy....has he ever looked as good or better than you do? I mean if you've got someone like Phil helping you and you've put your trust in him, I'd do exactly what he says...but if it's some anonymous internet guru...I don't know.
Again, you are all dieted down and not clear in your thoughts...when you look in the mirror at this point...you can be thinking different things from one hour to the next. Most people mess up at the end. You don't want to do that.