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Stalling at Start of Deadlift


Featured Member / Board Supporter / Kilo Klub
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Kilo Klub Member
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Jul 31, 2010
I'm having an issue with the very beginning of my deadlift. Bar comes up really slow until weights are about two inches off floor. After that I can rep out 5 or 6 pretty easily. Is there anything I can do to improve my initial burst of strength?
either one of two things.......

too heavy


weak quads......your not sinking those hips to get off the ground
either one of two things.......

too heavy


weak quads......your not sinking those hips to get off the ground

I would agree with this being the most likely culprit. You're more than likely not getting that initial hip drive. Sink down and push your hips forward as you push hard up with your legs. Check out some of Shelby Starnes videos for an example of good form.
Thanks for the advice, Tenny may be right with what may be the most obvious culprit, too heavy. It just seems that I can pull the first rep like a few inches in like four seconds, after I get past that point, it's like nothing for the rest of the lift and two or three more reps. That makes VTech's point that maybe hips not deep enough for the initial blast. Thanks again, I'll keep working.
Thanks for the advice, Tenny may be right with what may be the most obvious culprit, too heavy. It just seems that I can pull the first rep like a few inches in like four seconds, after I get past that point, it's like nothing for the rest of the lift and two or three more reps. That makes VTech's point that maybe hips not deep enough for the initial blast. Thanks again, I'll keep working.

there is something else you could also do......

you could try pulling from a standing position

you'll need a rack......lift, take a half-a-step back
then go to the floor and so on

try it for a few weeks
then go back to the floor
and see what happens

there is something else you could also do......

you could try pulling from a standing position

you'll need a rack......lift, take a half-a-step back
then go to the floor and so on

try it for a few weeks
then go back to the floor
and see what happens


I'm going to give it a try. I'll let you know how it works. Thanks Tenny.
i would suggest deficit deadlifts...stand on a 2/3/4 inch block and then pull, it is going to force you to get lower-hence dropping your hips more...also when you pull push those quads into the ground as hard as you can and the bar will fly up
I'm having an issue with the very beginning of my deadlift. Bar comes up really slow until weights are about two inches off floor. After that I can rep out 5 or 6 pretty easily. Is there anything I can do to improve my initial burst of strength?

I would suggest lowering the weight and really focus on using you hips and quads to pull the weight off the floor.

One thing that has helped me tremedously is kettlebells. i Started doing kettlebell swings and snatches. A buddy of mine Joe Daneils id the one that sparked my interst in it and i can say it reall taught my body how to use my hips. There are great for cardio too...
Also if your just wanting to manily focus on the lower back, try rack deads from just below the knee. Minimizes the use of your lower body. But for overall thickness you cant beat good ole floor deads
i would suggest deficit deadlifts...stand on a 2/3/4 inch block and then pull, it is going to force you to get lower-hence dropping your hips more...also when you pull push those quads into the ground as hard as you can and the bar will fly up

Thanks guys! All great ideas. I'm really interested in the block pulls. Gpit, what kind of weight and reps should I be using? 75% of max? 8 reps? doubles? Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Post a video it's likely a form issue.
i would suggest deficit deadlifts...stand on a 2/3/4 inch block and then pull, it is going to force you to get lower-hence dropping your hips more...also when you pull push those quads into the ground as hard as you can and the bar will fly up

I am glad you said this...This is precisely the issue. when I first started deadlifts long ago I had the same problem. a nationally ranked powerlifter (Jeremy Zavala) watched me and suggested I use the 2 4-inch square blocks they had in the gym to lift from. made all the difference.

Lastly, have a guy who knows what they are doing watch your form!

RIP Jeremy Zavala. best friend and coach
I have the exact same problem. A weight that feels heavy as hell while on the ground may feel very light once I pull it a few inches.

Hip drive is never something that came naturally for me (still really need to work on it).

I have the same problem.... Dead lifts just feel awkward to me. I feel like I'm not firing on cylinders when I pull. I can only do 315 for 10 and everyone says it looks painful to watch. I really need someone experience to watch and critique my form
Slow Start

deadlifting standing on a low platform sounds like the best idea.Another idea is the use of suck down bands.It gives you speed off the bottom which in turn gives better drive through the movement.Hope this helps
either one of two things.......

too heavy


weak quads......your not sinking those hips to get off the ground

agreed, its incredible how many people seem to miss.

i recommend deadlift stance box squats, and deficit deadlifts.
I'm having an issue with the very beginning of my deadlift. Bar comes up really slow until weights are about two inches off floor. After that I can rep out 5 or 6 pretty easily. Is there anything I can do to improve my initial burst of strength?

Does this mean that you train touch-and-go style? Bouncing the bar off the floor . . . this will only keep you from developing good starting strength.

I have the same problem as you. Two things come to mind;

1) singles - each rep must start with the bar dead on the floor. Whether you rest one second or ten seconds between each pull is a personal preference.

2) quads - The initial pull is all quads anyway, so I recently (for the time being) replaced back squat with front squat. The increased quad strength is helping with my initial pull.
No BTech, actually the guy I was training with told me to avoid touching the floor with the weights. He said to stop just short of touching and pull right back up. I've made some pretty good progress since then, I've gained about 35lbs. on my deadlift. In retrospect, I think Tenny nailed it when he said "too heavy" or "quad development", I think it was a combination of both.
what works for one doesn't necessarily equate to another.
while competetively lifting many years ago, I was able to add over 100lbs in a short period of time by doing the block method...and for reps...don't let the plates slam the floor, but more like tap the floor. requires a bit more flexibility, form and control but it fixed my initial off the floor lift issues. That is on the lighter weights, then with the heavy weights I come all the way down for a 1 second pause and thrust up again. (best competitive dead was 500lbs at 195lbs). this was suggested to me my Champion David Ricks, I met him when he was a guest lifter at a comp. I did at Iwakuni MCAS in him, amazing lifter and great guy...I still talk to him on occassion. He fixed my squat too.
Alan- What would a rep scheme look like off blocks? I would guess 3-5, but I was curious what you would suggest. I also like the idea of the pause at the bottom. Seems that would help the initial pull off the ground. Thanks for the help Bro.

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