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studid reporter


Featured Member/Kilo Klub
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Kilo Klub Member
Mar 22, 2004
I was listening to Colin Cowherd on ESPN radio and the idiot was talking about the steroids that are listed in the new book on Barry Bonds that he used...He was going on and on about how he used Clomid, he was saying that you have to be a real abuser to use clomid and how extreme clomid was blah blah..even said something like " no wonder he has so many homers when he is using something like clomid...Then he read that he also used tren and he said that in the bodybuilding world using tren is like being a crack head..He says " ok, forget that he was using insulin, hgh, testosterone, this guy was using a drug called Trenbolone which is the most dangerouse steroid ever"...HUH...How hard is it for these idiots to do some research.....Oh and he also went on about how he EVEN used a drug for narcoleptics!!! No shit it is hard as hell to go sleep on Tren, haha...
HUTCH said:
I was listening to Colin Cowherd on ESPN radio and the idiot was talking about the steroids that are listed in the new book on Barry Bonds that he used...He was going on and on about how he used Clomid, he was saying that you have to be a real abuser to use clomid and how extreme clomid was blah blah..even said something like " no wonder he has so many homers when he is using something like clomid...Then he read that he also used tren and he said that in the bodybuilding world using tren is like being a crack head..He says " ok, forget that he was using insulin, hgh, testosterone, this guy was using a drug called Trenbolone which is the most dangerouse steroid ever"...HUH...How hard is it for these idiots to do some research.....Oh and he also went on about how he EVEN used a drug for narcoleptics!!! No shit it is hard as hell to go sleep on Tren, haha...

The media is constantly making un-educated remarks about AAS use.
Then later after work, Colin went out and had a couple of martinis and a smoke... :D
I think it's funny the title of this thread is studid reporter

That narcoleptic drug is modanifil I believe, Kelly White, a US sprinter was nailed for it last year. I'm not sure what it does but its popular for athletes.
jawbreakerkid said:
I think it's funny the title of this thread is studid reporter

That narcoleptic drug is modanifil I believe, Kelly White, a US sprinter was nailed for it last year. I'm not sure what it does but its popular for athletes.

Yes thats the one..
the media is not going to say anything good about it...they want the story to sound so bad that it makes everyone listen...

I am sure you will never hear them say one positive thing about it??

not even how HGH, testosterone, and other aids...helps keep people with illnesses from wasting away...

sad but our society loves to bring down people on top...I am sure back in the day, no one ripped BABE RUTH apart for anything he might have done wrong?? HEll, any star for that matter...BAD MEDIA SELLS...and that pays the bills.

i was perscribed modafanil when i couldnt sleep. you take it in the morning and in 30 min you feel like you are on cocain or somthin. anxiety,sweating,clenching your jaw ,grinding your teeth. its aweful. but its supposed to make you crash at nite. it didnt work so i stopped it and let my sleeping patterns return on their own.
Steak Helmet said:
the media is not going to say anything good about it...they want the story to sound so bad that it makes everyone listen...

I am sure you will never hear them say one positive thing about it??

not even how HGH, testosterone, and other aids...helps keep people with illnesses from wasting away...

sad but our society loves to bring down people on top...I am sure back in the day, no one ripped BABE RUTH apart for anything he might have done wrong?? HEll, any star for that matter...BAD MEDIA SELLS...and that pays the bills.

Thats fine if they wanna expose only the negative side but at least state facts. Dont try and make people believe that clomid is going to kill you..
Hutch....I agree..the media sucks.

We had some guys at the school who are stationed in Iraq. These fellas are both pissed that the media never shows anything good they are getting done. Just another example. The whole situation concerning the steroid issue really gets blow out of proportion. Lots of misinformation....that's for sure.
that's because all of that crap is based on ratings points. theyre trying to make news not report news. all this junk about barry bonds lately, i still see just another athlete. its a prove fact that steroids make you hit more home runs and have a proven positive affect on your RBIs.

ever wonder why you only hear usually bad news? because bad news sell better than good news.

my $.02
Alin said:
The media is constantly making un-educated remarks about AAS use.

the media is constantly makin dumb remarks about a lot of shit

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