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Sunny Las Vegas to Hospitalization....My story!


Jun 5, 2002
Hey fellas.....well, it's good to be back. I've had a rough 3 weeks. I went to Las vegas for a week if you recall, then well.....it got ugly. I didn't drink my normal amount of fluids while gone, so when I returned I was a little dehydrated. No big deal really....except on my when home or shortly there after I picked up a stomach virus or something. Things started getting real bad. 3 days home, no fluids at all, no food. Anything that I put in my stomch came right back up.....I was the sickest I've ever been for sure!!!!! I finally got to the hospital......they gave me pain killers and sent me home (no shit!) So, I went home and a couple more days have passed and I'm still vomitting, can't keep any water down at all. So, I go back to the doctor again...this time I have severe low back pain along with my stomach pains. These fucking yahoos......send me home again, knwoing that I can't keep anything in my stomach. Now obviously the low back pain is due to dehydration and it's taking it's toll on my kidneys.......and that's not what I need! So, I go home and finally get in touch with my doctor and he sets me up to be admitted finally after 5 days of no food and no water.......I'm pretty beat up at this point! So, they admit me in the hospital and start running all kinds of tests on me. I was in the hospital for 4 days and my kidneys where in pretty bad shape. No permanant damage as far as they can tell. The first 2 day in the hospital I still couldn't eat, they had me on iv only for 2 days. Finally day three I was on a clear liquid diet...whoa hooo.....JELLO AND BEEF BROTH, my favorite. Day4 full liquid diet....pudding and soup and ice cream:D

I was released a couple days ago and I'm finally eating solid food and doing #2 with no problems...hehehe! I'm finally feeling alot better today....a little tired, but that's it. The back pain from the kidneys has finally subsided.

So. that pretty much ruins my show I had in sept. It's too much of a set back....like 3 weeks. Anyway, that was the worst thing that I've ever gone through in my intire life! No Shit!

I'm gonna take the rest of this week off the weights and just eat like a little piggy and get my strength back......I feel like I've lost all my muscle:mad:

Anyone have any suggestions for my training the next couple of weeks.....just looking for some different opinions.

Well, I'll be back on the boards unless I have some other mishap.

Take care.

welcome back. glad your more healthy now.

dont' worry about the shows there are plenty of others. take time to rest get healthy and then worry about the other things in life.
dude hospitals are getting out of control, man you could have saved all that agony if they would have taken you into the back room and ran a few pints of glucose water through an i.v! once you get so dehydrated like that your stomach will not let anything in or it is really hard to keep anything down!i had the same shit happen to me , but i demanded an i.v with fluids.. it was three days for me with zero liquids! i said fuck that give me an i.v or i wil go give myslef one in the back!

i was instantly better after that!
DTO. said:
once you get so dehydrated like that your stomach will not let anything in or it is really hard to keep anything down!

Very true. Seems kind of backwards, doesn't it?
Yeah bro.....hospitals are fucked up. If they would have admitted me the first time when I went in I would have have the problems....especially the kidney damage. Who do we trust with our health these days?:confused: Take care.

You know what would be great

Is if you had some sort of way to make them accountable. Those bastards neglect and you get kidney damage, I would furious. I had a doc tell me a certain surgury was neccesary for a family member and would make that family members quaility of life better and it did not at least at this point. And now they have to go in for another.
Damn PatK, what an ordeal! Glad youre felling a little better. Bet you lost some serious weight.
Fucking hospitals are truly getting out of hand in caring for people in need. Its all about money. No care whatsoever to helping the ailing patient. another example of our US society going down the fucking toilet. Last month, a friend of my wife went to the emergency room 3 times in 24hrs because they kept sending her home, although she was in agony with burting ovarian cysts. A disgrace. :mad:
thats a bunch of bullshit. they should have taken care of the problem long before it got to that point. but most importantly your O.K. thank god you kidneys are still in check. Just stay away from the gym for a few days and EAT. thats kinda what I'd do. no point in pushin it and fuckin yourself up. hope your feelin better bro.
good luck and be safe...

I'm coming back around fellas. Gonna start playing with the weights a little today I think. I'm not going to over do it these week. Thanks for the words of encouragement from my good bros. Take care.

Good to hear things are getting better, bro! Just continue to take it easy! That's one hellofa trip you went on. I hope you get well soon!

Glad to hear all's going well. Don't overdo, you'll regain what's lost AND MORE!


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