you do understand how synthol works, right? this will do nothing for your gyno. try running letro for an extended period of time. you'll have all of the shitty sides but it should help to reduce the size of your gyno.
From what I understand bro, if you have full blown Gyno the only thing that will get rid of it is surgery. You have to cut that grown tissue that looks like a womans tit. Letro, tamoxofen and arimetin will only get rid of the itchiness and soreness at the start of gyno. Synthol wont do jack, dont forget the oil will only stay there for a few months at this point it would probably make it look worse than before, you will proabaly look like Pammy. Get it checked bro and dont be scared to waste a few quid or be afraid of the surgeons. Good luck
surgery is the only permenant option. however try nolvadex 20-40mg day, and soem people have to stack anti e's. nolva/arima while on cycles. it wont get rid of it but it will minimize it so its not as noticeable till you can have surgery. dont play with the synthol. its not made to reduce the look of gyno.