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Syntherol question?


Featured Member / Kilo Klub
Featured Member
Kilo Klub Member
Nov 29, 2002
I did read Big A's post. Please correct me if I'm wrong. For bicep and tricep injections I should use a 1 inch needle, 26-28g. 1ml for 10 days, 2 mls for 10 days, 3mls for 10 days. 1ml 2x a week for 3 months for maintenance and then hopefully gains will be permanant. Does anyone know the site that shows pics of exact placement of needle? Baldnazi, if you could give an explanation of your experience with syntherol, it would be very much appreciated since our arms are about the same size (mine are 19 1/8). Will this soften my arms when flexed, relaxed? Thanks guys for all the help.
"For bicep and tricep injections I should use a 1 inch needle, 26-28g."
I like to not only rotate the site within the muscle but also the depth - 1/2" and 1"

"1ml for 10 days, 2 mls for 10 days, 3mls for 10 days. 1ml 2x a week for 3 months for maintenance and then hopefully gains will be permanant."
The maintanance dose is 3ml once a week.

"Will this soften my arms when flexed, relaxed?"
Quite the opposite. They will have a constant pumped look and feel to them.
Re: Re: Syntherol question?

Big A said:
"Will this soften my arms when flexed, relaxed?"
Quite the opposite. They will have a constant pumped look and feel to them.
I'll vouch for that! :D

Cooter said:
I'm looking for maybe an inch to an inch and a half all in the triceps to even out the look.

U'll get that no probs.

I think I had a post about this somewhere but who knows.What I will say is that the process is very simple and easy to follow.
Big A's protocol is perfect,although I stay at 2cc in each bicep everyday to everyother,alternating sites.I went up to 3cc a few times,but its not necessary.I did this for a couple months and my arms blew up.It has been quite sometime(almost 6 months?) since I used the syntherol and my arms right now,off juice 8 weeks measure at 20 inches at 250lbs.They are veiny and round,not lumpy or deformed looking.They look 100% legit. I used mostly 25g 1/2 inch pins,but did do 1 1/2 in pins a few times to go deeper,hell it seems I can go as deep as I want,my biceps are so much denser now.

Main points are 1)aspirate before injection always.For me any veins in the bi's are quite easy to avoid,but aspirate to be sure.2)Inject nice and slow,dont rush3)rub that site nice and deep after you pull out for a few minutes.Work that oil in there,massage it nice.4)Rotate sites,so you get an even,natural round look,not a lumpy one.5)Try to do some high rep bicep curls everyday you inject,nothing major,just get a pump and work the muscle.You are not going to failure,your just moving the blood and forcing these bastards to grow.

You will notice a huge difference Im sure,and the best part is,it will be a permanent gain.I can't wait to hit them again in February,will pass and hold over 21inches for sure.Any questions just ask........

Can anyone elaborate on pinning the long head of the tricep? Have you guys hit nerves in certain areas?

It's quite a large muscle to get evenly, right now I've been pinning right near the armpit with my arm outstretched in front of me. I sweat every time I do it. Also for those reading, you can probably start out with a little bit of a higher ml for the long head, I noticed that 1ml barely made a difference, it's a deep muscle.

Can anyone elaborate on pinning the long head of the tricep? Have you guys hit nerves in certain areas?

It's quite a large muscle to get evenly, right now I've been pinning right near the armpit with my arm outstretched in front of me. I sweat every time I do it. Also for those reading, you can probably start out with a little bit of a higher ml for the long head, I noticed that 1ml barely made a difference, it's a deep muscle.

Read PRIDE's breakdown on the protocols:


I read that a while ago and it's a great outline, however I think it's made a little too simple. The medial tricep head is a very small muscle (this is right at your elbow) and many nerves run through this location (think funny bone). I was just curious how you guys had found pinning the long head. Any specific locations to steer away from? Do you insert from the inside near your body or come in form the outside (that's what I've been doing). Thanks for adding the link.
I did read Big A's post. Please correct me if I'm wrong. For bicep and tricep injections I should use a 1 inch needle, 26-28g. 1ml for 10 days, 2 mls for 10 days, 3mls for 10 days. 1ml 2x a week for 3 months for maintenance and then hopefully gains will be permanant. Does anyone know the site that shows pics of exact placement of needle? Baldnazi, if you could give an explanation of your experience with syntherol, it would be very much appreciated since our arms are about the same size (mine are 19 1/8). Will this soften my arms when flexed, relaxed? Thanks guys for all the help.

I recently made a thread about my Synthol experience using Big A's protocol. From my experience, it made my arms bigger, fuller, and tighter during the cycle, and once the maintenance period was over I kept a majority of the fullness. I would make the injections to the inside of the medial vein that runs up and down the biceps. Feel for the 'split' in your bicep and then pin in the middle of each head and be sure to rotate from top to bottom each day
I recently made a thread about my Synthol experience using Big A's protocol. From my experience, it made my arms bigger, fuller, and tighter during the cycle, and once the maintenance period was over I kept a majority of the fullness. I would make the injections to the inside of the medial vein that runs up and down the biceps. Feel for the 'split' in your bicep and then pin in the middle of each head and be sure to rotate from top to bottom each day

It was a very interesting thread indeed, thanks for sharing :

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I read that a while ago and it's a great outline, however I think it's made a little too simple. The medial tricep head is a very small muscle (this is right at your elbow) and many nerves run through this location (think funny bone). I was just curious how you guys had found pinning the long head. Any specific locations to steer away from? Do you insert from the inside near your body or come in form the outside (that's what I've been doing). Thanks for adding the link.

I got lucky with my injections, as I had someone there to assist me with all of them;)

But, for the back triceps...Come in straight in directly from the back.....
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