Thanks for the advice Jethro. That is you in your avatar...? If so, great physique man, you've gotta be in the upper amateur ranks if not a pro right?
If I decide not to run anything for my upcoming prep, do you think I can handle the precontest diet Big A wrote? I had to do this insane 28 week diet last time, and honestly, I would rather run a hot iron through my eye than have to do that again. It left me so messed up, I still am not fully recovered.
My strength went to hell, I had NO libido, you couldn't have paid me to have sex, maybe I'm going TMI here but I couldn't get a boner to save my life then, I was irritable all the time, and was basically a walking zombie. I would come in from class or working out and just plop down in the nearest chair and basically zone out looking at the TV or the wall until it was time for my next meal. I'm lucky enough that my girlfriend stayed with me because I was a complete jerk, and I'll be the first to admit it.
I'm very serious about bodybuilding, and as cheesy as it sounds I would like to be in the pro ranks one day. I know most pros started using when they were in the 17-23 year old range, not that using is what made them what they became, but it seems to be the trend for pros to start using earlier than most. This isn't some new fad for me. I began lifting when I was 12 and got hookoed. The only time I ever stopped was during wrestling season in highschool, which was a 3 month break at most, and the day after State finals I was back in the gym hitting it hard. I got serious about my training and interested in bodybuilding the season after my freshman year of wrestling.
I am not a pro or even in the high amateur level. The best I ever did was win our State powerlifting and overall bodybuilding championships. That was in 1997. I competed last year after ten years of not competing. Why did I wait so long? BECAUSE I HAD THE SAME EXPERIENCES YOU JUST DESCRIBED! LOL. I won and it just wasn't worth it to me. It took me a while to forget that wonderful experience and I thought I'd try it again. In 2006 I entered the Emerald cup in Seattle. I got sixth in my weight class. I made some mistakes and ate some spoiled chicken, shit my brains out and threw up alot. I also messed up on diuretics and cramped viciously.
All excuses....I got beaten. It pisses me off. However, I love bodybuilding, just like you. Our goals are different. You can see yourself in the pro ranks. I never did have that goal or even to compete in bodybuilding. I just wanted to be big and cool looking! lol. That show I won? Age 32. Drugs? Winstol 1cc every other day. Clen and eca. The pic on the banner is of that show.
Drugs- Use as little as gives you and effect. Think of it like beer. If two gets you buzzed, why drink 12?
You have really great potential just looking at the pics. I guess I'd just make sure you have a back up plan and pursue academic endeavors so that you have options if you tear a pec, ruin a knee or just get sick of doing what is necessary to be a top amateur or if your stars are right- a pro.
I might do another show just to prove myself that I am better than my last appearance. If I get beaten looking as good as I can- I can live with that.
Your questions: I am not sure about the Big A's excellent diet for a natural. I'll have to go back and read it again. From reading your post it sounds like you are a disciplined athletic young guy. I was too. I am now 43 and still love bodybuilding, but just don't like the idea that I'd have to take test, tren, deca, winstrol, clen, ephedrine, t3, insulin, growth hormone and no doubt a host of other crap just to win a good amateur show.
I read Muscular development and see pics of Evan Centropani, Trey Brewer and sometimes think that would be cool to be on the cover of such a publication. If that's your goal, more power to you! Just be cautious, have regular bloodwork, learn all you can about nutrition, go to school, stay close to God, make sure your personal relationships are rock solid. They are the most precious things you have. Think longevity.
If you stay on the board for the next 6 years or so we can cheer you on or support your other endeavors whatever those might be.
Your pics look really good!