coming off AAS and T3 together then start GH?
let me know how you feel
it maybe okay first few weeks then im guessing you may crash depending on how tough your HPT and HPA are
low test high cort equals sluggish metabolism, exo T3 have lowered your TSH it will take some time to bounce back on top of high cort and low test and other hormonal imbalance, sounds like a bad idea to me
stay on t3 25mcg, do your PCT add GH if you have to then come off one at a time.
if your HPT is weak GH will cause hypothyroidism then your joints will ache, fatigue, tired, etc. your adrenal will work hard to push your liver then now your adrenals are fatigued and liver is burdened. tahts one scenario,,,,some get sick some dont it depends on your genetic and how your HPT/HPG/HPA talk together.