OK... Currently 243.. Cruising on 250 test e for 5 weeks.
Upping things soon. Need to hit 260`s and diet to 220 onstage at 5`8 in Autumn...
Banging in 5k calories a day...
Gear... 600 test e, 400 deca a week . 40mg dbol a day.
IGF and insulin EOD at 100mcg and 20iu (2 x 10iu shots)
Does this look sufficient or a low dose? Highest I`ve ever gone!!
Training 12 years, age 30, AAS for 7 years...
Upping things soon. Need to hit 260`s and diet to 220 onstage at 5`8 in Autumn...
Banging in 5k calories a day...
Gear... 600 test e, 400 deca a week . 40mg dbol a day.
IGF and insulin EOD at 100mcg and 20iu (2 x 10iu shots)
Does this look sufficient or a low dose? Highest I`ve ever gone!!
Training 12 years, age 30, AAS for 7 years...