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Training twice a day?


Feb 7, 2010
Im going to do a tbol+var only, and want to make good solid physical changes while I cycle. Would I be over training if i go to the gym at 5am, then later at 5pm? Would the tbol speed my recovery time?
Speed it up as in faster than if you were natural , yes

fast enought to recover in 12 hrs , no

What physical changes are you wanting to make? Personaly I'd do just low intensity fasted cardio in the AM workout to maximize fat burning then make the weight sessions in the evening.

More is not always better , just because you lift twice a day doesn't meen your gonna get bigger twice as fast , hell if anything it may cut your growth in half over training once a day!!
The only time i have done an AM/PM split was for legs, and it was for strength, which did work however it is not something i do for growth.
just overall body composition. But for some reason I dont feel that I can overtrain ever. But I understand what your saying.

I should just do intense cardio in the AM and put the iron hard in the PM. I need to get my lifting partner back..
just overall body composition. But for some reason I dont feel that I can overtrain ever. But I understand what your saying.

I should just do intense cardio in the AM and put the iron hard in the PM. I need to get my lifting partner back..

LOW intensity cardio in the am , heart rate in the 120 range , basicaly a brisk walk with a slight incline on a tread mill. The theory is that you will tap into the fat deposits as you are in a fasted state , if you do high intensity with you blood glucose already low you may end up burning muscle for energy
LOW intensity cardio in the am , heart rate in the 120 range , basicaly a brisk walk with a slight incline on a tread mill. The theory is that you will tap into the fat deposits as you are in a fasted state , if you do high intensity with you blood glucose already low you may end up burning muscle for energy

thanks for the info
Im going to do a tbol+var only, and want to make good solid physical changes while I cycle. Would I be over training if i go to the gym at 5am, then later at 5pm? Would the tbol speed my recovery time?

Not at all, just don't be in there all day.
Not at all, just don't be in there all day.

yea I know, im usually in their for 1-1.5hrs. The second sesh would be around 45minutes. The reason I want to try this is because I feel like i fatigue somewhat fast, therefor not getting as much quality sets in. So i figure I would go in later to be sure i shocked that muscle as much as possible.
Less is more. Short-heavy sessions ( one per day) up to four times a week are more than enough for many body builders to grow. Of course if rest and diet are carefully watched.
I'm not sure about those two orals. I've never tried 2 a days on them. Big "A" has a thread in the articles section on cutting up for a show and has you doing 2 a days for about 9 weeks, and evening running. But read the entire article and the gear he mentions.
you grow out of the gym depending on what choices you make in regards to what calories you swallow and your sleep schedule.

The tbol (chlorotestosterone) is going to send your strength up which will do plenty to provide the stimulus you need for growth. THE STIMULUS. The answer to the stimulus is regular protein/fat feedings.

If you dont have this aspect of training/growing understood then I suggest you hold off the AAS until you see the growth patterns naturally working in your body/.

Whats your diet (honest) and training split (sets/reps) look like?

When I was in the military we always started the day out with PT (physical Training) then I lifted later in the day. I followed this idea through my early 20's then I just got too tired to do twice a days.
Meal 1: Protein shake( two scoops of whey) in water and one cup oatmeal

Meal 2: 7 oz of lean meat+ 6oz beans

Meal 3 7 oz lean meat+4ox beans

Meal 4: Pre workout meal: protein shake in water along with 4 rice cakes

Meal 5: Post workout meal: 8 oz of steak ( lean) and 4 oz rice or potato

Meal 6 Protein shake in water (50 grams protein) + handfull almonds

Cardio: 5days a week 20 minutes done post workout.

Day 1 : Hamstrings , chest and abs


Lying leg curl: 4 set of 10-12
Romans: 4 sets of 8-10
Standing leg curl: 4 set of 10-12,


DB incline 4 sets in the 10-12 range.
DB flat 4 sets in the 10-12 range.
DB flys @incline and flat 4 sets in the 8-12 rep range


Day 2 biceps & triceps


Standing barbell: 4 sets of 10-12
EZ curls: 4 sets of 10-12
One arm DB concentration curl: 4 sets of 10-12

rope : 4 sets of 8-10
Skull crushers 4 sets of 8-10
close grip bench press: 4 sets in the 8-10 rep range

Day 3 : quads and calves

squats : 4 sets of 6-10 range
Leg extensions: 4 sets of 10-15 range.
leg press: 4 sets reps in the 10-15 range

Standing calf raises: 6-8 sets of 12-15 reps
Seated calf raise: 6-8 sets of 12-15 reps
Another sesh of calf raises

Day 4 : Shoulders and traps


Db presses: 4 sets of 8-10 reps
Side Laterals: 4 sets of 8-12.
Bent over laterals: 4 sets of 8-12
heavy ass shrugs 4 sets of 10

Day 5 Back and calves


Lat pulls donws 4 sets in the 10-12 range.
One Arm db rows 4 sets of 8-10
seated rows, alt wide and narrow 4 sets 10


Standing calf raises: 6-8 sets of 12- 15 reps
Seated calf raise: 6-8 sets of 12-15 reps

Day 6 deadlifts, about 8sets of 5-6 heavy

Day 7 Rest
You're lifting 6 days a week! Where is your recovery time? Man, your body must be shot on day 7! If it's not, you must not be going balls out in the gym
i think you been reading too many magazines...

Meal 1: Protein shake( two scoops of whey) in water and one cup oatmeal

Meal 2: 7 oz of lean meat+ 6oz beans

Meal 3 7 oz lean meat+4ox beans

Meal 4: Pre workout meal: protein shake in water along with 4 rice cakes

Meal 5: Post workout meal: 8 oz of steak ( lean) and 4 oz rice or potato

Meal 6 Protein shake in water (50 grams protein) + handfull almonds

Cardio: 5days a week 20 minutes done post workout.

Day 1 : Hamstrings , chest and abs


Lying leg curl: 4 set of 10-12
Romans: 4 sets of 8-10
Standing leg curl: 4 set of 10-12,


DB incline 4 sets in the 10-12 range.
DB flat 4 sets in the 10-12 range.
DB flys @incline and flat 4 sets in the 8-12 rep range


Day 2 biceps & triceps


Standing barbell: 4 sets of 10-12
EZ curls: 4 sets of 10-12
One arm DB concentration curl: 4 sets of 10-12

rope : 4 sets of 8-10
Skull crushers 4 sets of 8-10
close grip bench press: 4 sets in the 8-10 rep range

Day 3 : quads and calves

squats : 4 sets of 6-10 range
Leg extensions: 4 sets of 10-15 range.
leg press: 4 sets reps in the 10-15 range

Standing calf raises: 6-8 sets of 12-15 reps
Seated calf raise: 6-8 sets of 12-15 reps
Another sesh of calf raises

Day 4 : Shoulders and traps


Db presses: 4 sets of 8-10 reps
Side Laterals: 4 sets of 8-12.
Bent over laterals: 4 sets of 8-12
heavy ass shrugs 4 sets of 10

Day 5 Back and calves


Lat pulls donws 4 sets in the 10-12 range.
One Arm db rows 4 sets of 8-10
seated rows, alt wide and narrow 4 sets 10


Standing calf raises: 6-8 sets of 12- 15 reps
Seated calf raise: 6-8 sets of 12-15 reps

Day 6 deadlifts, about 8sets of 5-6 heavy

Day 7 Rest

HOLY CRAP! i would wither away and die on a routine like that.
IMO that is WAY too much working out. i see all the logic you put into that routine and split and everything but there are FAR better ways.
gym time has little to do with it.
I usually have saturday and sunday off but im always too tired to fit in quality dead lifts on friday when lifting back. So i just go on saturday and do soley deads.
check out this routine. I think it would be better for you. The sets (after warmups) are preformed balls to the fucking wall. No cardio is necessary if gaining strength/mass is your goal. Adjust calories to control fat gains.

Day1: Back/Bi's
Rack Pulls 2x8 (couple sets warmup)
Pullups 2x8 (one warmup)
BB Rows 2x8 (one warmup)
any curls 2x8 (no warmup needed)

Day2: OFF

Day3: Legs/ABS
Squats 3x8 (couple warmup sets)
LEG PRESS 1x20 (no warmup needed)
Leg Extension 2x8
Leg Curls 2x8
any ab workout

day4: OFF

day5: Chest/Shoulders
weighted Dips 2x8 (couple warmups)
DB Press 2x8 (one warmup)
Lat Raise 2x8
Front Raise 2x8

Day6: OFF
Day7: OFF

the problem with your routine is that you are never giving your CNS or muscles a chance to recuperate. One day a week won't cut it man,...even if you are 'enhanced'. The thing is the tbol you're planning on taking will shoot your strength up so if you werent showing signs of overtraining before (cause youre not pushing yourself) you probably will certainly with the tbol. S
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I'd love to train twice a day, but my work schedule wont allow it. I used to in college and loved it!
I've done P90x in mornings, weight training in evenings five days a week. I've also done 45 min cardio in mornings and weight training in evenings. I've never gained weight this way or strength. I use this to lose weight and struggle to maintain muscle and strength.

Bottom line for me, is after a few weeks it gets mentally to challenging without small breaks in between.

I've never really don weight training twice a day on purpose but have a feeling it would not be a good fit for me. I've rarely had good weight workouts early in the morning even as my only training time. I am sure its a mental thing. Good luck.

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