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Two a day training - pre, intra and post workout nutrition?


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Verified Customer
Dec 22, 2023
Just wondering what everyone's general nutrition approach is to twice daily training. Do you use the same pre/intra/post nutrition on the 2nd workout as your 1st? Or do you tweak it somehow? Would love to get some insight on strategy.
This also heavily depends on the intensity and what exactly you are doing.
I know very few people who A. have enough free time and B. can train twice with proper intensity....its a tough ask.
If you were doing something like Legs in the morning then calfs, abs, biceps in the evening. Ok.
If you are doing back in the morning and chest at night, you are gonna dig yourself into a deep hole you might not be able to get out of.
Everything the same. When i was doing ppl sometimes I would split the workout into morning/afternoon workouts. Chest in the am, shoulders/tris in the evening. Preworkout was always cor/protein shake. Intra hbcd/aminos. Post steak or chicken with a slice or 2 of sourdough bread and honey.
What is your training routine ?

Wouldn't this mean more powder 🤔
A couple of days per week I will do MMA and a lift on the same day, split by several hours. I have a very routine way of doing pre/intra/post nutrition for workout 1, but end up doing random shit for workout 2.

Just wondering what everyone else does or would do. I presume it would make logical sense to do my same pre/intra/post routine for workout 2 as well.
A couple of days per week I will do MMA and a lift on the same day, split by several hours. I have a very routine way of doing pre/intra/post nutrition for workout 1, but end up doing random shit for workout 2.

Just wondering what everyone else does or would do. I presume it would make logical sense to do my same pre/intra/post routine for workout 2 as well.
The lack of replies in this thread is because we don't have any members who regularly train bodybuilding style twice a day. Those who have trained twice a day have said it wasn't something they could do long-term.
M1 - PRE





M4 - PRE




You can use the same protocol on second workout like you do on first or you can do the second workout without extra carbs if the body part isn’t your priority…. Or you can use half of carbs.

For example you want to improve back but your arms are fine.

AM - BACK with all the shakes
PM - ARMS with just EAA or half of the carbs you had during your first workout.

Also depends - if you’re bulking or cutting/insulin usage.

If i was You during bulking I would use the same shakes, when cutting I would use intra carbs only during first workout (but it’s just me, some guys would use twice).

When it comes to nutrition… example.

M1 - 125g carbs PRE

M2 - 150g carbs POST

M3 - 100g carbs

M4 - 125g carbs PRE

M5 - 150g carbs POST

M6 - 75/100g carbs

With extra 50-150g carbs around workout (shakes).
Brother I appreciate it. That approach makes perfect sense to me. Thanks for the detailed response!
Just wondering what everyone's general nutrition approach is to twice daily training. Do you use the same pre/intra/post nutrition on the 2nd workout as your 1st? Or do you tweak it somehow? Would love to get some insight on strategy.
Hey! Managing nutrition for twice-daily training? It's all about adapting to the day's needs. Start strong with a good pre-workout meal for your first session and refuel with something like a protein shake afterward. For your second workout, you might want a lighter snack if you're still feeling full. Always keep up with hydration, and consider some electrolytes if you're sweating a lot. It's important to listen to your body—adjust based on how you feel each day. What’s worked for everyone else?
The lack of replies in this thread is because we don't have any members who regularly train bodybuilding style twice a day. Those who have trained twice a day have said it wasn't something they could do long-term.
^^^ This granted I did this a bit in my 40's but the cut off was 2x/day 5 days/week for 4 weeks. At that time, you're ready to pivot back to 1x/day.

When I worked with Matt P, we would do this occasionally for a month if my work schedule was light. Log would be used with both sessions. Sessions were 40-45 min max not including warm up.
Hey! Managing nutrition for twice-daily training? It's all about adapting to the day's needs. Start strong with a good pre-workout meal for your first session and refuel with something like a protein shake afterward. For your second workout, you might want a lighter snack if you're still feeling full. Always keep up with hydration, and consider some electrolytes if you're sweating a lot. It's important to listen to your body—adjust based on how you feel each day. What’s worked for everyone else?

Like an apple? Or would a chewy granola bar be a better choice?

Are you here to promote your app or contribute decent advice?
I do 2 a days 4 days a week:

Meal 1 - heavier carb meal
Workout #1 - intra. This is where I do my heavier movements. IE: SLDLs etc.
Meal 2 - heavier carb meal
Meal 3 - medium carb meal
Workout #2 - no intra. This one is a lighter (less compound movements and more isolation)
Meal 4 - medium carb meal
Meal 5 - low carbs
I do 2 a days 4 days a week:

Meal 1 - heavier carb meal
Workout #1 - intra. This is where I do my heavier movements. IE: SLDLs etc.
Meal 2 - heavier carb meal
Meal 3 - medium carb meal
Workout #2 - no intra. This one is a lighter (less compound movements and more isolation)
Meal 4 - medium carb meal
Meal 5 - low carbs

So technically that 2nd workout really doesn't make a difference then other then meal 4 possibly being low carbs ?
Oh dude I did twice a day for a long time. You need to be hitting food and a lot. I did MMA and then lifted weights and so did a lot of my friends. I just picked up the mma as fun cardio. If you can afford the food its totally sustainable. When I see people flake its usually because they started getting lazy with the food and then they're fucked. Or a lot of folks would wind up on pk's and when those ran out they would take time off. Kinda basic but dude I remember being so sore on tuesday I didn't know how i was going to make it to the last of the week.

We would always get together and just eat a shit ton of food on weekends at someone's house. But I would do meal before training and after basically 2 times a day. Get a wrap throw some ground whatever in it with some taco seasoning and some salsa add in a protein drink and I was set. I am trying not to train to much these days but I will occasionally hit up another cardio session if I am bored. I am on blood thinners now and can't train anymore but man I do miss it. The comradery was 2nd to none.
I would work out all throught the day doing PLYO and jail type workouts with PT clients, and then hit the gym once later heavy , I was in incredible shape combining the two disciplines and exercise methods

only time I've done a real 2x per day was hellweek in football and pre contest , and it was very difficult , granted I was not using peptides and was also on dnp yuck , emaciated and dehydrated always too ,but I got beyond shredded

at this point in my life as long as I can see 4 abs I'm cool, ill be 37 later this year, I've had abs since I was probably 19 nonstop, 6packs back then, I'm bigger heavier and more aesthetically pleasing now, back then I just wanted to be peeled after I spent years just wanting to be the biggest dude around -immature perspectives but harmless lol , now I just want to be healthy and happy and make money legit :) also help others.
Look into Roman Fritz’s videos for his routine.
He has done twice a day 6 days a week for at least a decade now.
Am - chest PM - shoulders/tris
Am - back thickness PM - back width, traps, bis
Am - hams Pm - quads

Something like that. He has videos explaining his training, nutrition around training, and drugs

If you’re serious about trying this style use his videos as a guide
Look into Roman Fritz’s videos for his routine.
He has done twice a day 6 days a week for at least a decade now.
Am - chest PM - shoulders/tris
Am - back thickness PM - back width, traps, bis
Am - hams Pm - quads

Something like that. He has videos explaining his training, nutrition around training, and drugs

If you’re serious about trying this style use his videos as a guide
I also train twice a day technically but will hit HIIT/plyo/calisthenics/jail workouts in the morning and normal weights at night

When I was powerlifting, on squat days for example I would do things like explosive jumps and short sprints in the AM, and then heavy squats in the PM and the AM session most definitely primed my CNS for that heavy session. Same thing with plyo pushups, med ball throws, etc for pushing
A couple of days per week I will do MMA and a lift on the same day, split by several hours. I have a very routine way of doing pre/intra/post nutrition for workout 1, but end up doing random shit for workout 2.

Just wondering what everyone else does or would do. I presume it would make logical sense to do my same pre/intra/post routine for workout 2 as well.

Are you attempting to maximize performance output or hypertrophic training? Changes the dynamic substantially.

Currently in Thailand at a Muay Thai Camp doing 3-4 sessions per day my nutrition is very different right now managing hydration vs. top end performance output.
The only time I`ll do twice in one day is Sunday. That is my carb up day so I`ll go do fasted cardio in the morning with normal Ph buffer pre/wo stuff. Then eat a bunch and go back in the afternoon for weights after I got some real kcal in.

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