Like I said I think someone needs to chime in about the deca and tren. My thoughts are you are running two 19 nor steroids, I know that they are both famous for "Deca/Tren dick" they shut you down fast, so you may see some prolactin buildup, and possible gyno complications from that. I am not sure on this but I know I read it somewhere on this site. Try to get some cabergoline (site sponsors carry it at a really good price) it should solve the problem. Maybe just be very cautious if you run both of those compunds because I do know that Deca, like you said is really good for the joints.
I will also look for that thread I read and when I find it I will kicked it down to you.
Now as far as cycle length on tren you will get a different opinion from everyone. I heard some guys running it for 20 weeks with no problems. I have also ran it that long a long time ago with no apparent problems. I was not really educated about tren and I say apparent problems because I did no blood work.
Some say it is hard on the kidneys but there is no scientific proof of this. I guess people guess this because it passes through the urine and gives your urine some crazy color. Just to be safe drink alot of water, but like I said I have never had any sides from tren other than mental ones.
I guess most people on this forum would tell you to run it for 8 to 10 weeks.
Just make sure your checking for any bad sides. The worst thing tren has every done to me is make me very angry and depressed. One thing that is great about Tren is that if you start seeing bad sides you can stop taking it and it will be out of your system quick.
My opinion would be to take it no longer than 10 weeks and just make sure your ok, this is a serious drug, but I do think that the sides are overhyped just a bit, but not the results, the results are second to none..