Sometimes post counts make me think poster is new to AAS. Just didnt want someone to jump on the Tren bandwagon when goals can be achieved without. Sorry.
I thought u were doing only 250 test a week and 300 tren. I think you will be fine or you could get a bottle of test E in addition to change up the test/tren ratio. Im not a fan of going over 200 or 250 on tren a week, just me personally.
I did have some shedding but ran with EQ, so not sure what caused it. I'd try to avoid the blends if possible - it just makes it hard to adjust if needed. Sides from tren are pretty clear and if you need to lower your dosage to sleep better or avoid some anxiety issues you gotta lower the test as well.
Quad smack said to use spironolactone 2%. To be honest - he has always added to the board and seems very knowledgeable.