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TRT Question


Apr 28, 2009
I apologize if this post is choppy or lacking some info, im posting it from my phone on my wy to work.. I just have a question for those that have TRT experience.

I don't have insurance, and my general Dr is a close family friend so I went through him to not have to pay the exyta $ for an Endo, however he went over all my results with an endo he knows and was advised on how to treat me.

Off hand i know my test was at 203, and FSH 1.7... He orig prescribed me testim gel 1%, 1 tube a day, which i of course bitched about... The gel is just a MAJOR inconvenience... So he just switched me to cyp injections. But he has me coming into the office and taking 200mg every 2 weeks (1 shot every 14 days) I questioned the long period of time in between the shots, and the dosing, and he assured me that he confired with an ENDO yesterday evening and thats what he was told to give me....

Im just curious as to if this sound right or not? Seems to me like the shots should be a little less spaced out but he said no... Thanks guys
No, it's not right. He's reading the PDR on Cyp administration which has a protocol from 20 years ago. You should go no longer than 7 days and it really should be 4-5. Your estrogen and testosterone levels are going to be on a roller coaster up and down following that.
Thats exactly what i was thinking... When i asked him, he told me if i didnt agree with his protocol i could spend the money on an endo... (which i dont have). He won't budge on it.
You're better off, health wise, dumping it. Either that or buy your own cyp/enanthate and supplement it. Use yours one week and his the next. Drop yours when you're getting a blood test.
No, it's not right. He's reading the PDR on Cyp administration which has a protocol from 20 years ago. You should go no longer than 7 days and it really should be 4-5. Your estrogen and testosterone levels are going to be on a roller coaster up and down following that.

EXACTLY ...these doctors are straight retarded on HRT. Just tell him you are perfectly capable of doing your injections yourself and want to self administer. the take 50mg two times weekly which equals the same total amount but will keep you stable and off the roller coaster
I would show him something that shows blood levels after a cyp inject and how they drop off after so many days and explain to him how you feel, great for a few days and then down. Your not asking for anymore test just a different schedule. I would keep trying, the whole time keep telling him how thankful you are for him helping you. Butter him up a bit ya know.
I apologize if this post is choppy or lacking some info, im posting it from my phone on my wy to work.. I just have a question for those that have TRT experience.

I don't have insurance, and my general Dr is a close family friend so I went through him to not have to pay the exyta $ for an Endo, however he went over all my results with an endo he knows and was advised on how to treat me.

Off hand i know my test was at 203, and FSH 1.7... He orig prescribed me testim gel 1%, 1 tube a day, which i of course bitched about... The gel is just a MAJOR inconvenience... So he just switched me to cyp injections. But he has me coming into the office and taking 200mg every 2 weeks (1 shot every 14 days) I questioned the long period of time in between the shots, and the dosing, and he assured me that he confired with an ENDO yesterday evening and thats what he was told to give me....

Im just curious as to if this sound right or not? Seems to me like the shots should be a little less spaced out but he said no... Thanks guys

My endo wanted me doing it that way too, but I told her that I wanted to do 100mg/wk and she had no issues with it at all. Did you ask your doc about doing that? ANother thing they should do for you is prescribe the pins so you can do your own injections at home. My endo lets me do that, and my new endo is a bit of a "dickhead". Once every two weeks will make your levels vary too much. Heck, my new endo wants me to do that damn gel because he feels that it provides a more consistent level without spikes and valleys in the levels. Hes probably right too since the gel is every day, right? I just dont want to mess with that stupid gel.
You could buy extra pins maldorf and experiment with more frequent injections. I like enanthate every otherday.
Switch doctors, or request to get a blood test 14 days post injection to inspect free test showing him the decline. I had a personal friend on this exact same protocol with cyp going in bi-weekly to get 200mg/inj and he crashed a few days before the doctor visit each time just waiting for the day to get back in their for the another shot which is terrible to witness. Your goals should be to get blood test levels consistent and that protocol won't cut it. I am very unimpressed by many doctors with HRT/TRT still. It seems like an area of medicine where professionally many choose to look the other way. It's bad enough that AAS is a "controlled" substance in the US, but even with control most professionals are clueless on how to utilize it.
i do 200 mg enth every 7 days, i have no health benefits, i do this and give blood every 2 months to keep crit down.........2 weeks is way to fin long, tell that endo hes a jackass
He orig prescribed me testim gel 1%, 1 tube a day, which i of course bitched about... The gel is just a MAJOR inconvenience... So he just switched me to cyp injections. But he has me coming into the office and taking 200mg every 2 weeks (1 shot every 14 days) I questioned the long period of time in between the shots, and the dosing, and he assured me that he confired with an ENDO yesterday evening and thats what he was told to give me....

I'm in the same exact boat except Androgel and when I asked the Dr. to switch she said they would administer and I would have to come in every 2 weeks. I knew she was wrong about the time but I figured if I supplied info she was wrong she would piss on anything else I need.

Also she threw a line in that only old men are the ones who need shots or some b.s. like that...:(
I really appreciate everyones insight on this.. i was able to talk to my dr and convinced him that 100mg/week would be much more beneficial than 200mg/2 weeks... so now at least my levels will remain more constant... Just wondering if 100mg/week is enough to get my levels up in the high end of normal range.
I really appreciate everyones insight on this.. i was able to talk to my dr and convinced him that 100mg/week would be much more beneficial than 200mg/2 weeks... so now at least my levels will remain more constant... Just wondering if 100mg/week is enough to get my levels up in the high end of normal range.

I'm on TRT and dose 200mg test cyp per week. 100mg per week is on the low end but should have you within "normal range" but I'd guess that would be on the lower to mid range. Either way it is better then the 200mg every two weeks. The only way to know how effective the treatment is would be to have blood work done after a couple months to determine your levels. Being it isn't covered by your insurance I would limit what exactly they tested.
I apologize if this post is choppy or lacking some info, im posting it from my phone on my wy to work.. I just have a question for those that have TRT experience.

I don't have insurance, and my general Dr is a close family friend so I went through him to not have to pay the exyta $ for an Endo, however he went over all my results with an endo he knows and was advised on how to treat me.

Off hand i know my test was at 203, and FSH 1.7... He orig prescribed me testim gel 1%, 1 tube a day, which i of course bitched about... The gel is just a MAJOR inconvenience... So he just switched me to cyp injections. But he has me coming into the office and taking 200mg every 2 weeks (1 shot every 14 days) I questioned the long period of time in between the shots, and the dosing, and he assured me that he confired with an ENDO yesterday evening and thats what he was told to give me....

Im just curious as to if this sound right or not? Seems to me like the shots should be a little less spaced out but he said no... Thanks guys

What you are telling us is pretty much standard industry practice unfortunately.The norm is to start with gel as most patients don't want to inject themselves.That dose will also put most right into normal ranges so that is where they start at 200mg every two weeks.Most endos as I was just sitting and talking to one yesterday at my daughters softball game will use the same protocal.I am a chiro and was pretty much schooling this guy on hormones and A.I.'s yesterday.

In medicine they are not as worried about dosing at the half life intervals like bodybuilders like to do.I have taken pharmacology and that wasn't a priority in dosing of any meds.

I think the only thing you can do is tell him you want to self inject as many many patients do.Dose will be determined 100% by bloodwork levels.Some docs will raise or lower according to patient symptoms,sense of well being etc... but most go by blood work only.

But unfortunately the treatment you are receiving is pretty common practice.
You could buy extra pins maldorf and experiment with more frequent injections. I like enanthate every otherday.

Once every 7 days is just fine for me. Some say every 5 days is optimal. EOD is not needed with an ester like enanthate.
I really appreciate everyones insight on this.. i was able to talk to my dr and convinced him that 100mg/week would be much more beneficial than 200mg/2 weeks... so now at least my levels will remain more constant... Just wondering if 100mg/week is enough to get my levels up in the high end of normal range.

100 mg/wk had me at about 500-600 or so which is about in the middle. I take 120 mg/wk and it puts me at about 800 or so and I feel better. My hematocrit has been a problem though. Youll have to constantly have that monitored. Im glad they let you do it once a week. DId they give you pins so you can do it on your own at home?
Ive been seeing an hrt doctor for almost 3 years now. He has me on 400mg/week, and I do my own injections. A few friends of mine are seeing their own doctors, and they too have to go in every 2 weeks for a 200mg shot. Not sure why that is.. I know one buddy is going to switch to my doctor.
Ive been seeing an hrt doctor for almost 3 years now. He has me on 400mg/week, and I do my own injections. A few friends of mine are seeing their own doctors, and they too have to go in every 2 weeks for a 200mg shot. Not sure why that is.. I know one buddy is going to switch to my doctor.

Sweet Jesus, 400 mg/wk!!? This is a legitimate doctor? Use like that falls outside of what the drug is approved for and really would be considered illegal. I am surprised any US physician would presribe it like that. I sure hope that you get a phlebotomy regularly. Your hemoglobin must be sky high.
I really appreciate everyones insight on this.. i was able to talk to my dr and convinced him that 100mg/week would be much more beneficial than 200mg/2 weeks... so now at least my levels will remain more constant... Just wondering if 100mg/week is enough to get my levels up in the high end of normal range.

It appears that the majority of posts here that pertain to HRT are from folks who want to get a "bodybuilding" dose out of their replacement therapy. This is why so many Drs are not willing to prescribe large doses of Cypionate. I wouldnt risk getting my license pulled just because my patient wants to get big. Would you? You cant blame the Drs for playing by the rules. I understand that now insurance companies are getting very reluctant to honor prescriptions for injectables. If 100mgs a week gets your levels up to 500-600 that would appear to be "normal". Why would there be any need to run a higher dose? If you want to build muscle order your meds from a sponsor. I went from 220 to 680 in a month of using just Androgel at 5 grams a day. My blood is good, my numbers are healthy. Keep pushing your T levels up and you know sides are soon to follow. Give it a couple of months. Relax and enjoy the ride.
Sweet Jesus, 400 mg/wk!!? This is a legitimate doctor? Use like that falls outside of what the drug is approved for and really would be considered illegal. I am surprised any US physician would presribe it like that. I sure hope that you get a phlebotomy regularly. Your hemoglobin must be sky high.

I would have to agree with this. 400 a week far exceeds what would be considered a "replacement" dose. I guess as long as bloodwork is being done every couple of months and he stays within normal on his numbers then more power to you. My hematocrit levels went up slightly from just 5 grams a day of Androgel. I could only imagine what a dose like that would do. Wow.

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