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UFC Spoiler


Moderator / FOUNDING Member
Staff member
Jun 8, 2002
BJ Penn KO`s Matt Hughes! First round.
Machida and rampage was a close decision that could have went either way.
Machida looked to be the better fighter but was hesitant rd1 and rd2. Clearly won rd 3 Rampage winner by decision.
Last edited:
BJ Penn KO`s Matt Hughes! First round.
Machida and rampage was a close decision that could have went either way.
Machida looked to be the better fighter but was hesitant rd1 and rd2. Clearly won rd 3
Thanks rAJ!!! I've been busy tonight and didn't get a chance to see much.
BJ looked more determined than I have ever seen him. This has to be the last time I buy a fight with either Rampage or Machida in the main event. They both were pathetic in my opinion. Rampage seems very washed up and really has little skill past boxing. I think he threw one leg kick the whole fight. Machida spent the fight running away from Rampage until half way through the third round. Neither one was aggressive.
the look on Rampages face when he was announced winner was priceless... It was like when Robert Blake was found not guilty... even he couldnt believe he won. He had already raised Machida's hand and had congratulated him.
Penn looked like the old determinded BJ
I used to really like Rampage but his last fight sucked, so frustrating to watch and by the sounds of it, this one was no different. Glad I didnt order it and thanks for the update Raj!
Penn looked like the old determinded BJ

Sure did! Like he found his Killer instincts again all the sudden.
He was Fired up and had the look of a person ready to kill :eek:
Nothing defensive or dancing around about it. He was in attack mode
I had rampage winning the first 2 rounds just by being the aggressor. He had a few good solid punches in those rounds as well (uppercut, body shot, etc). Machida clearly won the third round, and it was the most dominate round by far for either fighter, but he didn't win it by a 10-8 decision. He had to either submit or KO Rampage that 3rd round, even though those first 2 rounds were not as entertaining. Machida after his flurry of punches and takedown in the third round, didn't do a thing on the ground.

I thought Rampage looked very improved, and did what he had to to win....and i'm not a big rampage fan either. His conditioning was back and not an issue the entire fight. Machida didn't do anything the first two rounds (outside of a few leg kicks) and only had that flurry of punches w/ a takedown in the third.

I didn't agree with Rampage thinking he lost the fight. But I do look forward to the rematch.

Penn was fired up this fight, about damn time. I wanted Matt to win, but even if he lost, I just wanted to see a 3 round brawl between the two....win or lose. I guess BJ fans are excited as hell...lol.

Lauzon looked great in the first round and then did a 180 and gassed out. I couldn't believe it, it was like somebody flipped a switch...lol. Sotiropolous hung in there and took it.

BJ definitely looked great for the few seconds that the fight lasted. Big props to him for knocking out Hughes so quickly. Ya know what fight I want to see?
After he gets a couple fights in the UFC at 145 lbs I want to see Jose Aldo bump up to 155 lbs and fight Penn. I personally think Aldo would kick BJ's ass.
IMO Aldo is on par pound for pound with guys like Anderson Silva and St. Pierre, but he's alot younger and will probably continue to get even better.
Pretty much agree with what everyone else said about the fights. Machida's style of fighting has worked for him in the past...but it sucks to watch him fight alot of the time. He did a "Doe see Doe" the entire first round basically running from Rampage...they need to do something about this...it has happened in other notable fights as well, "Anderson Silva etc.". Do you guys remember "Pride" ref could issue a warning then issue a card and they would lose 10-20% of the purse. They should do something similar or either increase the fight bonus for a KO or something.
As much as I love the UFC this shit really sucks
I think it was a very disappointing PPV. Most the fights weren't fights they were just walking around looking at each other. The Penn/Hughes fight would have been better if it was longer LMAO but all it takes is that one shot... Hughes took the loss very well IMHO.
BJ Penn KO`s Matt Hughes! First round.
Machida and rampage was a close decision that could have went either way.
Machida looked to be the better fighter but was hesitant rd1 and rd2. Clearly won rd 3 Rampage winner by decision.

My big suprise was HUGHES getting knocked out so fast.
The Rampage fight,,,I was really disappointed in,,I feel it could
have went either way. Overall weak card IMO.
Pretty much agree with what everyone else said about the fights. Machida's style of fighting has worked for him in the past...but it sucks to watch him fight alot of the time. He did a "Doe see Doe" the entire first round basically running from Rampage...they need to do something about this...it has happened in other notable fights as well, "Anderson Silva etc.". Do you guys remember "Pride" ref could issue a warning then issue a card and they would lose 10-20% of the purse. They should do something similar or either increase the fight bonus for a KO or something.
As much as I love the UFC this shit really sucks

I love how the UFC is now all about KO's instead of figuring your opponent out and being technical like Machida is..\And how can you even compare the in-ring antics of Anderson and Machida..Anderson likes to show off, which is opposite of Machida..
You got me googling it NOW!!!!! Damm I can't believe I missed it.
Damm that sucked. That was like an old Mike Tyson fight!!!!

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