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Usnic Acid Pulled?


New member
Jan 21, 2009
Anyone else notice in Palumbos products? I was actually going to order it today and give it a try, to see what the big hype was about. I read the labels and it appears he has replaced it with T2! I see he is pitching the T2 as working the same way usnic acid does, however I'm not quite buying it. Is this because it was causing too many side effects, or just a case of one person getting a bad reaction. I see another product called "Jungle Fever" and it contains sodium usinate, anyone have any experience with both products to give a fair comparison? Thanks!
sodium usinate is an oxidative uncoupler just like UA is, so go with that product I guess
Stay away from that crap please.

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That junk was taken off the market in the late 90's (trade name Lipokinetix), I had some and was more afraid to take that vsDNP.
I'd buy up T2 and stock it. That stuff flat out works... at least in my body. If I made zero changes other than adding that... I'd lose fat. It's a real hormone. Check it out. Others might disagree, but I loved it years back when (I think) Biotest had a product with T2.
Stay away from that crap please.

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That junk was taken off the market in the late 90's (trade name Lipokinetix), I had some and was more afraid to take that vsDNP.

you believe that hype, yet you will take DNP? silliness.

I've done 3 runs with usnic acid, always taking 1gram a day, and staying very hydrated. I was hot, miserable, grumpy, and losing fat. I'd lose around 8lbs a week on average, using UA for 2 weeks max.
I'd buy up T2 and stock it. That stuff flat out works... at least in my body. If I made zero changes other than adding that... I'd lose fat. It's a real hormone. Check it out. Others might disagree, but I loved it years back when (I think) Biotest had a product with T2.

I still got a bottle from Biotest:D
I'd buy up T2 and stock it. That stuff flat out works... at least in my body. If I made zero changes other than adding that... I'd lose fat. It's a real hormone. Check it out. Others might disagree, but I loved it years back when (I think) Biotest had a product with T2.

DO you notice a difference in versions (3,3 vs 3.5)?
you believe that hype, yet you will take DNP? silliness.

I've done 3 runs with usnic acid, always taking 1gram a day, and staying very hydrated. I was hot, miserable, grumpy, and losing fat. I'd lose around 8lbs a week on average, using UA for 2 weeks max.

Not saying it doesnt work.

I still have a bottle and a half of that Lipokinetix stuff from Syntrax I believe, I tried to sell it on Ebay and recieved this huge letter stating if I try to sell steroid or steroid like items on Ebay I'll be in trouble, ha. I didn't even know it got pulled until then, it worked but made me feel bad enough I stopped taking it---
you believe that hype, yet you will take DNP? silliness.

I've done 3 runs with usnic acid, always taking 1gram a day, and staying very hydrated. I was hot, miserable, grumpy, and losing fat. I'd lose around 8lbs a week on average, using UA for 2 weeks max.

I think Dave's products had 12 mg per cap... I liked it in terms of a non stimulant fat burner.
I'd buy up T2 and stock it. That stuff flat out works... at least in my body. If I made zero changes other than adding that... I'd lose fat. It's a real hormone. Check it out. Others might disagree, but I loved it years back when (I think) Biotest had a product with T2.

How did you use this when you were taking it? Dosages?
I have access too tons of this.

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