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Truth/Myth IGF-LR3 1mg must me reconstitute with Acetic Acid?

even if ro i would never buy igf packaged in 1mg in a vial unless i had it for free then i would stick as much as i needed and the rest would be thrown in the trash because real igf is very unstable and it is impossible to withstand a few days diluted with water - after it will be useless in a few days
Increlex comes in 10mg vials ?
Does it matter how you inject it split dose or all in same place guys?

post workout I used to do 25mcg left biceps and 25mcg right biceps but that was 10 years ago i wasent so experienced.
inclerex and lr3 are two completely different animals - inclerex is dosed in mg and lr3 in mcg - you can't compare them at all
Okay, isnt LR3 just a "longer" version of IG-1 ?
...if you treat it with kid gloves.

keep in mind that before arriving at your home it is slammed left and right by the manufacturer to the carrier to those who pack, by those who sort them, by the postman, etc. so... I don't think you can do worse than what already exists been done
Yep, good point, it can have a rough trip from lab to your place. Never think of the trip it takes to get to you, just hear about how fragile some of these peptides can be. (y)
If I bring it with me to the gym to shoot pwo , will it degrade at room temp for that hour or so or should I keep it in the car on ice ?
I have 1 mg IGF LR3 vials reconstituted with bac water, I’ve read several accounts of it being safely stored after mixed for several weeks…. So what is factual….? There is too much contradictory info out there.
I have 1 mg IGF LR3 vials reconstituted with bac water, I’ve read several accounts of it being safely stored after mixed for several weeks…. So what is factual….? There is too much contradictory info out there.
do you want some facts?
two people here have used it with great results and an insane pump.
this is a fact.
those who do not trust, who have not tried have in fact proved nothing.
do you want some facts?
two people here have used it with great results and an insane pump.
this is a fact.
those who do not trust, who have not tried have in fact proved nothing.
I get the 1mg LR3 IGF-1 and reconstitute with 1ml of sodium chloride 0.9%, sterile water, or distilled water. Gives 10 x 100mcg doses (5 workout days, about a week) and I've never noticed a difference. I can just as easily go hypo on my 10th dose as the 1st.

I don't know what, if anything, this proves but I love the stuff.
I do 200mcg a day on wo days 100 pre 100 post . Started going hypo a bit on day 4 so , I know it's still potent after 4 days if that helps
Wow, from what I understand 200mcg/day is a lot. Do you worry about receptor saturation? DO you cut the usage after say week 4?
Wow, from what I understand 200mcg/day is a lot. Do you worry about receptor saturation? DO you cut the usage after say week 4?
Yeah , only gonna run it for 4 weeks , maybe 5 . There's a couple guys on here that run it that high , honestly I don't notice the recommended 50mcg dose at all .
loong time ago when igflr3 come in game it was a lot info about use...and even testing about recon...if i remember correctly in
BA cca 2 week and degradation start rapidly...in AA about year.I make with AA and it was good for months..(use sporadically)
and keep in room temp and still was effective
Some gurus are death..some banished...forum lose old wisdom :D
View attachment 170641
idk why the top got cut off. Cellsciences.com
Hopefully this doesn't get missed.

The word on the street years ago used to be that LR3 was horribly unstable, needed AA, etc. I think that may have been true at one point, but no longer is.

There was a quote from someone reputable-ish (owner of Canlabs maybe?) saying that the way LR3 is manufactured has changed and this instability is no longer true (with no more precise explanation), and that the only benefit to AA is helping dissolve bits of powder that get stuck in the sides of vials.

That + the above data sheet + anecdotally both with myself and with friends/clients I've seen noticeable effects across the life of a Bac water-reconstituted vial for 2-ish weeks (never had one take longer to get through) leads me to believe the whole "it goes bad in a day" thing is very much outdated, as is the need for AA.
Hopefully this doesn't get missed.

The word on the street years ago used to be that LR3 was horribly unstable, needed AA, etc. I think that may have been true at one point, but no longer is.

There was a quote from someone reputable-ish (owner of Canlabs maybe?) saying that the way LR3 is manufactured has changed and this instability is no longer true (with no more precise explanation), and that the only benefit to AA is helping dissolve bits of powder that get stuck in the sides of vials.

That + the above data sheet + anecdotally both with myself and with friends/clients I've seen noticeable effects across the life of a Bac water-reconstituted vial for 2-ish weeks (never had one take longer to get through) leads me to believe the whole "it goes bad in a day" thing is very much outdated, as is the need for AA.
Seems like it is lol

lead a horse to water 🤷🏻‍♂️
I asked Janoshik, a reputable professional chemist with the greatest exposure and insight into grey market samples of LR3 IGF-I what his professional experience from performing countless HP/LC testing on these compounds told him. Regarding the following questions: 1. practical reconstitution & administration (usage), 2. prevalence of counterfeit and/or replacement product, 3. potency loss of LR3 IGF-I in its unreconstituted-lyophilized solid state if known, otherwise of comparable IGF peptides (broadly similar).

On the matter of 1. usage (reconstitution & administration), Simply:

janoshik, Feb 3, 2023: "Use normal saline for injection."

Normal saline is 0.9% NaCl solution (isotonic).

On the matter of 2. & 3., the response is combined as:

janoshik, Feb 3, 2023: "First UGL samples of LR3 I had encountered have been from TheProvider quite a few years ago - might have been 6 or 7 at this point. They were generally good and high quality.

"A couple years after that other vendors such as Supertropin started selling (and testing too) and after that the interest seemed to [w]ane.

"I remember coming across a couple of lower quality samples, eg. ~20% degraded LR3 and I've tested quite a few supposedly LR3 samples, that were just filler or a different peptide. Most recent one was less than a month ago. Generally, though, the interest seems to have [w]aned compared to say 4-5 years ago, at least testing-wise.

"Stored lyophilized [LR3] samples definitely last years and dissolved in water stored refrigerated for months as per my own testing."

Refrigeration temperature is 2 - 8° C (35 - 46° F).

ADDITIONAL COMMENTS (Solely those of Type-IIx)

I believe that this obsession with acetic acid is rooted in some early handling instructions & specifications sheets that came from GroPep (a legitimate manufacturer of Receptor Grade & Media Grade LR3 IGF-I, to licensed chemists, surely requiring proof of legitimate use - so don't try them). Therein, you'll see that the appearance of vials is described as, "White powder freeze-dried from 0.1M acetic acid and stored under nitrogen at a slight vacuum..." Additionally, there may have been some confusion with acetate, that is used in INCRELEX (mecasermin; rhIGF-I) in addition to other preservative, sterility, anti-adhesion, anti-specific binding, agents and such. Acetate is a monocarboxylic acid anion resulting from the removal of a proton from the carboxy group of acetic acid. It has a role as a human metabolite... It is a conjugate base of an acetic acid. Soon after LR3 IGF-I became available on the grey market, BassKillerOnline became a soundingboard for writings that argued for acetic acid solutions (with reference to GroPep materials that can be found therein); it just became a commonly repeated myth, classic bro-science.
I have used LR3 many times. Some brands were shit and others were amazing. I have always used bac water or similar and never had an issue with degradation. Many times I would dose 100mcg EOD so a 1mg vial would last 20 days.

Geno once ordered some LR3 from China and when he had it tested it failed. I can't recall the exact purity but I think it was 73% so he obviously never ordered/sold it. Interestingly, I used some to trial it and thought it was crap and we got the test results back afterwards and that proved my findings were on point. I also asked Jano his opinion on LR3 at the time and he told me everything Type-IIx just posted which I appreciated. Good LR3 is amazing and I have used some great 1mg vials before.

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