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Vanadyl Sulfate


Jan 13, 2003
What's your thought on this supplement? Just wanted to get an idea. I know what it is said to do, but was more interested in personal experiences. Thanks Cjay
Arrrrg been busy lately. I have used it in the past and liked it kept me feeling a little pumped when going off in the past. Havent used it much lately due to I stay on longer now. MM
It's shit. It tries to do what metformin does. metformin works MUCH better with no side effects, while vanadyl gives headaches to anyone that I know using it.
Big A said:
It's shit. It tries to do what metformin does. metformin works MUCH better with no side effects, while vanadyl gives headaches to anyone that I know using it.

what does metformin do, i dont know about either:confused:
Known Name Brands: Glucophage, Mellitron

Description: Glucophage - 850 mg. tablets - 40 per box. Glucophage is a brand name for metformin which is an oral hypoglycemic drug. Glucophage was made to be used to control adult onset diabetes. This drug is will increase the body's ability to transport glucose into the muscle cells much better by increasing insulin sensitivity. This substance will also inhibit the body's formation of sugar by the liver whereby lowering insulin secretion in the body. This substance is very similar to phenformin, that is also an oral hypoglycemic except that phenformin is considered the harsher of the two compounds.

Phenformin is considered to be from 5 - 10 times stronger than Glucophage at what it does for the body on a mg. per mg. comparison.

Glucophage has signifigantly less side effects than phenformin has as well. The chance for an overdose causing hypoglycemia with the use of Glucophage is dose related whereas you almost have to take a lethal dose. It is common knowledge that Glucophage will increase insulin sensitivity as well.

As far as bodybuilders are concerned, this product is used as an oral form of insulin. It will cause greater glycogen supercompensation during carb-ups as well as lowering blood glucose for those that are using the BodyOpus or Atkins diet to induce ketosis more easily. Common side effects of Glucophage are a metallic taste in the mouth, nausea, and vomiting. This will become on the next big drugs used by professional bodybuilders in the coming years for its ability as a repartitioning agent and blood glucose disposal agent.

Effective Dose: 1,700 mg. per day in divided doses. You have to take this with meals and with water to avoid stomach upset.

Street Price: Glucophage is very expensive in the US so I would anticipate a rather steep street price as well. Probably about $3 per pill.

Stacking Info: This compound is commonly taken with Creatine in order to help shuttle the creatine into the muscles more effectively since this product increases insulin sensitivity.

Thanks guys Cjay
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Big A said:
It's shit. It tries to do what metformin does. metformin works MUCH better with no side effects, while vanadyl gives headaches to anyone that I know using it.
big A , metformin has been shown to do a lot of unwanted things , decrease leptin levels , increase shbg, lactic acid levels , etc etc , still u like the drug ? also it interferes with gh absorbtion , even with ur own use of gh it doesnt bother u ?
metformin works good and if u want to go natural way :D try ALA...it mimics insulin..

u can try a using chromium picolanate, Vanadyl and ALA ..
raybravo said:

big A , metformin has been shown to do a lot of unwanted things , decrease leptin levels , increase shbg, lactic acid levels , etc etc , still u like the drug ? also it interferes with gh absorbtion , even with ur own use of gh it doesnt bother u ?

Actually, to be honest I haven't looked into reading anything baout metformin for years.
I have been using it almost constantly though, I truly have nothing negative to say about it, only good things. Regarding the GH - I never use metformin with GH as I use insulin with GH.

Any effects are very minor. I never had any sides from it, but wouldn't throw money at it again either. IronMike

PS - however a diabetic friend of mine noted his sensitivity to slin was about doubled when on vanadyl at even a low dose

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