I value everyone's opinon here. But when you call something stupid, I take offense. I just would never refer to something as stupid when I don't have any idea who or what this person is about. Anyways, the reason I am on this site and ask questions is that my friend of 20 years is on here, he is a serious competitor, and wins shows. He is highly respected here. I have been training for about 4 years seriously. I do cardio everyday, I lift heavy 3 days a week, and lift moderately 2 days a week. I am about 5'7". And right now I tip the scales at 142. About 11% bodyfat, which is alot for me. The reason I do gear is to peak in the summer and feel a little stronger. I am not an expert in any way, and I realize that the majority of people here know way more than me. So that's why I ask questions. I worked out seriously for 3 years before I did gear. I have been an athlete my whole life, and worked out, but have only seriously done the whole package for 4 years now. My diet is clean, and I liked the hard look I get from the little cycle I did, so I think Var is a little expensive, so I wanted a little cheaper alternate. If I only do once a year, then the things I have read don't seem to harsh. But then again I could be wrong. But in the future trying to call people out on stats is not the best idea. Its easy for me to admit, but again I know you are new here, and still learning the board. I don't post much here, because I don't have more knowledge than most people here. This kind of website attracts all kinds. Competitors, novices, and amateurs. I am maybe below the last level. I did research for about a year before I choose Var. Anyways, that's my story...