Well these machines contain 420$ in inventory of Mentos candy, the fruity kind, and it spits out a handfull at a time. Each machine is like 500-700$.
AS for placement, the 5 I put in nightclubs was me being friends with the owners and doing them some favors.
The other 5 were placed by the company. My contract states I must give 2$ per month, per machine to Special olympics. Now the reason stores want to have these machines is.
A. They are helping a Charity
b. 8 sqft of their building, rent, mortgage whatever becomes tax deductable.
In Montgomery County Maryland, places pay almost 20-30$ per sqft, so monthly it adds up.
Big A, I like these because I can go every 3weeks, fill it up, empty the change, very low maintence. Im waiting 2 months to buy 10 more and hope to have like 30-50. Very Consertive, numbers suggest My machines will be emptied every 6-8 weeks. So worst case scenario with 30 machines, will bring in $5500 per month. Like I said im waiting to see how these first 10 do, but I love the idea of passive income, I mean shit, if I could make 5000$ per month passively with my other income I will be doing well.