When looked at individually, each bodypart is big.
But when looked at the whole body, you have very long limbs, so in some poses you almost look 'thin'. Especially the arms and shoulders look on the thin side.
The whole look would be fixed by MASSIVE shoulders and arms.
Get some HUGE shoulders and arms and some big calves and you will be hard to beat in anything.
You do have a nice pleasant physique that is not lacking much really. You are in proportion now, but because of your bone structure, you need to be 'out of proportion' with huge arms/delts, to look really good.
Your condition at the 2003 ILL show, was spot on.
Don't stick your stomach out so much in the front double bi and in the side chest, I like it when the opposing arms is tucked in into the stomach so you cannot see any space. It makes you look bigger overall.