I lost 15 pounds in the matter of 2 months because i was sick. i just started working out again this week. I heard if you loose weight fast you can put it back on fast, and vise versa. I was wondering how much weight you think a person can put on in a week. I ate so much more food today than i have in two months. I weighed myself this morning, then again about an hour ago and i was 8 pounds heavier from all the eating and drinking i've done today and the day isn't even half over. i haven't even been forcing the food down either i've actually been hungry, eating about every 3 hours. obviously i'm not going to keep the 8 pounds i gained that's not possible. something similiar happened to me before when i got sick and i managed to gain a pound a day for about 2 weeks. also i'm so much more weaker than i was and it pisses me off, it depresses the shit out of me. so, my question is, if i eat good every day all week how much weight do you think i can manage to put on? and, how long do you think it will take for me to get back to my original strength?