safest easiest to time, but not too many people have it readily available. This is much easier to time than the pill form. Not very many people have access to it though. Look for the post card guy who sponsors this site. If you need help let me know ill direct you chubs. You can get it very cheap also. a few bucks a amp! Take one amp wait about 45 mins or so it should be in and out of ya within this time. If your not satisfied use another 45 mins after the first. You can use this up to contest day. Its in and out of you very quickly. This is nothing like the pill form it acts very quickly 10-15mins after inj. and done in 45. Unlike pill form you can not tell when it begins or stops taking effect far more dangerous.
LASIX 1 amp
Manufacturer: TERAPIA
Active ingredient: furosemide
Strenght: 20mg/ml/amp
Size: 1 amp