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What Supplements while on? I think none.


Featured Member / Kilo Klub / Board Supporter
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Jun 5, 2008
But I may be very very wrong. I've been lifting for 30 years. 1st benched 300 in 1980 (with a bounce of course :rolleyes:) D1 wrestler in the early 80s. Owned a gym.

I tried everything. I read the original muscle media and took creatine with grape juice. Hello stomach ache. Thanks Bill and Shawn Phillips. Even bought their HMB garbage. And 12 years before muscle media I took those gland thingies and wheat germ oil. Yuck.

2 years ago I started gear. Wham!!! Nothing like it. Also on 2ius of gh.

Other than a protein supplement, what really makes sense from an economics point of view? I can easily spend more at a vitamin shop than from one of the board sponsors. Bang for the buck at vitaminshoppe? Probably not so great. Is it worth the money for someone who is never going to compete, and is already afraid people are going to accuse me of being on gear?

So you folks on gear, what do you take (brands please, and I know there are new formulations of creatine - what are the good ones, and is it worth the money/)

If you are taking GH, do you need arginine? Do you need it more? Other Aminos? I'm a real newbie when it comes to modern supplements that are worth the money if you are already taking gear.
Well I take very little supps but I do take the basics all the time.

A good multi vit. I use Orange Triad by Controlled Labs. Its a multi with joint and digestive support. Price is decent

Micronized Creatine Mono. Its the cheapest and the one with the most research behind it. The brand I use Dymatize, less than $20 for over 2lbs.

BCAA I use Nutrabio for this. 100% pure and works great for fasted cardio and pre/during lifting.

And lastly a decent protein. Cytosport whey. I get it at costco for $28 for 6lbs. Its cheap and gets the job done for my 1 maybe 2 shakes a day. I always put real food before powder unless its straight after lifting but still eat within 1hr after training.
There was a recent thread discussing the use of creatine on cycle. I believe the general consensus is that the effects are so negligible in comparison that it isn't worth it. I would assume the same is true for any other supplements as they are not adding to the effect of AAS, but merely functioning along side them.

My .02 is that the gear will give you all the recovery, protein synthesis, energy, and growth you need while on cycle. Keep the whey - everything else I'd save to help you out when you come off and get things back to "normal".
so what are you saying? you dont need a multi , fish oil, baby aspirin, hawthorne berry, milk thistle etc etc while your on?

come on man
so what are you saying? you dont need a multi , fish oil, baby aspirin, hawthorne berry, milk thistle etc etc while your on?

come on man

Touche sir, allow me to rephrase.

I would consider any supplement taken to promote your overall health (specifically to curb those risks caused by the AAS) as part of your overall "cycle package".

A multi I would recommend to anybody as part of a healthy diet. I was primarily referring to creatine and other sups that are used primarily for muscle development.

I think it's also worth saying that if your using gear responsibly (I use that word loosely around here), your doses are reasonable, and you are monitoring your health closely while cycling: that it may not be necessary to take milk thistle, hawthorne berry, aspirin etc. while on. More so if you are on a budget (I can't afford to blow 2000+ a month on sups like Mr. Cutler does...) But then again - like most everything in this sport - these things are extremely individual.

Again just my .02.... take it with a grain of salt :)
so somehow you equate a baby aspirin with a cycle?

your right, its your .02
baby aspirin, used in small doses to prevent heart attacks by slowing down clot production.

Yes, men all over the world take it as a precaution - and its a good thing. But you can probably achieve the same (if not greater) effects through healthy diet and a little cardio.

I related the use of baby aspirin to cycling simply because of the increased stress on the heart while on.

Like I mentioned, I believe it is mostly genetics anyway - if you have a family history of men dropping dead of heart attacks in their 50's, you probably have no business with AAS anyway but certainly should take every precaution possible if you do. But if you have a long family line of pack a day smokers living to 102 - your prolly not gonna keel over for a heart attack because of a little testosterone.

Taking tons of sups while cycling is an excellent idea. I don't see how it could possibly hurt. I'm just suggesting that someone who is using responsibly probably isn't going to do damage if they don't take aspirin or whatever else while they are on.
creatine mono
low-dose nandrolone
baby aspirin, used in small doses to prevent heart attacks by slowing down clot production.

Yes, men all over the world take it as a precaution - and its a good thing. But you can probably achieve the same (if not greater) effects through healthy diet and a little cardio.

I related the use of baby aspirin to cycling simply because of the increased stress on the heart while on.

Like I mentioned, I believe it is mostly genetics anyway - if you have a family history of men dropping dead of heart attacks in their 50's, you probably have no business with AAS anyway but certainly should take every precaution possible if you do. But if you have a long family line of pack a day smokers living to 102 - your prolly not gonna keel over for a heart attack because of a little testosterone.

Taking tons of sups while cycling is an excellent idea. I don't see how it could possibly hurt. I'm just suggesting that someone who is using responsibly probably isn't going to do damage if they don't take aspirin or whatever else while they are on.

i hear ya, personally , i only do max 4ius of gh 5/2 ,and max 600mg of enth, max 8 weeks..............yeah, if your not using wisely, sups dont mean a damn anyhow
- LIV-52
- Digestive Enzymes (vegetarian)
- ON Whey Gold Standard
- Multivitamin
- Flax oil
- Borage oil
- Baby Aspirin
- Tri-Creatine Malate
- Nizoral 2% (Does shampoo count as a sup?)


Flax oil
Animal Pak (multi)
Animal Flex (joint support)

Universal Torrent Post W/O
Might want to toss some Humanofort in there, just made it a staple in my supps

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