Are you in vibrant rental market? If you are young, not looking to sell anytime soon, start buying rentals. As Pesty said, they can be work, but worth it if your area is good. Anything worth having is worth working for.
I bought my first rental in my mid twenties, gutted the basement and attic myself, charged all the materials on my credit card and more than doubled the rent. Had it immediately appraised to show over $60,000 in equity. You have to be careful and know what you are looking for, but it can be done.
Also, if you want experience and your market affords the rentals, it could be a good introduction into the rental/flipping possibilities in your area. You could learn what to look for in flipping a house as you buy rentals. Grab a cd at your bank, borrow against it for a small down payment, only if you need it, and learn. I also made appointments with the president of the local banks in my area as an opportunity to introduce myself. They always turned me over to someone else for the application, but as young as I was, I knew it would help my cause if it ever had to go to loan committee. The president usually remembered me and it never hurt. Just something to consider.
I had 14 rental properties at one time and never used my money for a down payment and bought most all of them on contract with others holding the paper. Although interest rates are alot better now. But my area has a very strong rental market and can be tough to get into...but it can be done.
It boils down to your lifestyle and how much responsibility you want on the return. Yes, rentals can be a lot of work and bad tenants can be a pain in the ass. However, a good interviewing process, along with parents signature on the lease if they are young can alleviate alot of future hassle.
Good luck in whatever you decide and you may also want to investigate good investments when interest rates rise. We know as rates decline, precious metals rise...but that is over for now. Inflation is next.