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When do you guys start to feel the bloat?


Nov 13, 2008
Out of curiosity, how long after you start your off season test cycle (and other stuff of course) do you feel the bloat. For some reason I seem to start feeling it pretty soon after I start... like 7-10 days. And that is considering its a pretty simple cycle Test E 250mg every 5 days and some prop. I happen to be on BP meds which keep the water down, but if I forget to take my BP meds... wow. I feel like someone stuck a garden hose in my ass and pumped 15 gallons of water in me (no, not like a colonic). Face swells, fingers swell.. whole body feels slow. I guess it shows that my gear is good.
Out of curiosity, how long after you start your off season test cycle (and other stuff of course) do you feel the bloat. For some reason I seem to start feeling it pretty soon after I start... like 7-10 days. And that is considering its a pretty simple cycle Test E 250mg every 5 days and some prop. I happen to be on BP meds which keep the water down, but if I forget to take my BP meds... wow. I feel like someone stuck a garden hose in my ass and pumped 15 gallons of water in me (no, not like a colonic). Face swells, fingers swell.. whole body feels slow. I guess it shows that my gear is good.
Why do all you guys insist that the bloat is caused by aas? Gear has nothing to do with it. It is all in your diet! I have said this till I am blue in the face. I never bloat no matter what I use. No water retention nothing! It is all about your diet, your sodium intake and ater intake. So to start a thread asking when to expect the BLOAT is not correct. The other thing to check is your liver. if your liver is not functioning correctly then you will not be digesting food properly. There are way too many factors tht can cause bloating other than AAS.
Why do all you guys insist that the bloat is caused by aas? Gear has nothing to do with it. It is all in your diet! I have said this till I am blue in the face. I never bloat no matter what I use. No water retention nothing! It is all about your diet, your sodium intake and ater intake. So to start a thread asking when to expect the BLOAT is not correct. The other thing to check is your liver. if your liver is not functioning correctly then you will not be digesting food properly. There are way too many factors tht can cause bloating other than AAS.

Nailed it right there...
Gear has nothing to do with it.

i understand your argument about diet but i respectfully disagree. certain gear will cause bloat in certain people. deca and dbol come to mind. without an ai i'd get puffy on a trt dose. with no change to diet
Let's see if I can explain this as I understand it. Hypothetically speaking, IF I were to use, say Deca which is known to cause electrolyte retention - then I would increase fluid intake to dilute out the extra electrolytes to maintain a more balanced fluid status. Products that are heavy aromatizers like drol and dbol will make you retain more fluids - so, again hypothetically speaking I would - 1st use the lowest possible dose to minimize sides while still getting quality gains. 2nd both of these products are 17aa thereby hepato-toxic. IMO once the liver starts to become stressed then the side effects become more pronounced. Liver support is a must on these products.
Everyone is different. Some guys get gyno from their own endogenous testosterone / estro production. Some guys swell up like a sponge on TRT. Some guys are hard as nails on grams of stuff without any ancillaries. And, some guys that are "bulking" mistake fat gain for fluid. For me it would come down to proper nutrition, fluid intake, liver support and sane amounts.
I happen to be on BP meds which keep the water down, but if I forget to take my BP meds... wow. I feel like someone stuck a garden hose in my ass and pumped 15 gallons of water in me (no, not like a colonic). Face swells, fingers swell.. whole body feels slow. I guess it shows that my gear is good.

I would guess that what you are experiencing is more rebound coming off your diuretics than your AAS.
Let's see if I can explain this as I understand it. Hypothetically speaking, IF I were to use, say Deca which is known to cause electrolyte retention - then I would increase fluid intake to dilute out the extra electrolytes to maintain a more balanced fluid status. Products that are heavy aromatizers like drol and dbol will make you retain more fluids - so, again hypothetically speaking I would - 1st use the lowest possible dose to minimize sides while still getting quality gains. 2nd both of these products are 17aa thereby hepato-toxic. IMO once the liver starts to become stressed then the side effects become more pronounced. Liver support is a must on these products.
Everyone is different. Some guys get gyno from their own endogenous testosterone / estro production. Some guys swell up like a sponge on TRT. Some guys are hard as nails on grams of stuff without any ancillaries. And, some guys that are "bulking" mistake fat gain for fluid. For me it would come down to proper nutrition, fluid intake, liver support and sane amounts.

Thanks for the reply Quad-smack. It would seem to me that based on your reply above, you are acknowledging that certain AAS does effect water retention and as such, you alter your diet to compensate. That's smart. It also adds truth to the statement that AAS does cause bloat aka "water retention". Its not like I started to take AAS and coincidentally started eating twelve cheeseburgers and fries a day. My diet hasn't really changed much since I started this cycle (yet). It definitely has and immediate effect on my water retention. And yes, I agree with you that you should alter your diet to balance things out.

I wouldn't go so far as state that AAS doesn't make you bloat. There are obviously tons of threads that talk about moon faces while on certain AAS. Perhaps Oldfella doesn't get that side effect (he's lucky), that doesn't mean it doesn't happen to anyone.

My question was more geared towards timing. How long into the cycle do you notice its effecting your water retention? Just trying to see if some people see it later in the cycle than I do. Apparently there are some people that never get bloated. That's good to know.

I also agree that liver protection is of utmost importance and shouldn't be taken lightly.

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