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White pizza


Well-known member
Dec 8, 2019
The other night me and my wife had a white pizza... I've had them before it's either garlic sauce or alfredo sauce ...this one was very light Alfredo sauce with ricotta cheese on it. Topped with mozzarella bacon and pepperoni. What made this pizza special was definitely the ricotta cheese. Crust was handmade too. I'd like to mimic the pizza myself I'm not a horrible cook and either is my wife. I've made pizza half a dozen times before. But I always use the store bought Pillsbury type dough for pizza. This time for this super special ricotta cheese addition pizza id lile to maybe hand make. There is a store nearby that sells pizza dough and it's actually frozen and you have to let it thaw out. It's in a ball. It's not bad and it's stretchy and it comes out good.
I'm sure the pizza thread has been done before. But not in 2020...
Anyone got a good dough recipe.... proven to work and taste good
I use Trader Joe's pizza dough. And just put what ever I want or have on hand on it. Usually olive oil rather then a sauce. Herbs n spices veggies and some sausage if I have it.
Sounds great with the ricotta. A place near me makes a white pizza and it is to die for. doesn't have ricotta on it though, I'll have to try that for sure.
I use Trader Joe's pizza dough. And just put what ever I want or have on hand on it. Usually olive oil rather then a sauce. Herbs n spices veggies and some sausage if I have it.

Thats what my GF uses. I doubted how good it could possibly be and I wasnt surprised. Her dad is a retired French chef so I was a dumbass for doubting her tbh. If she says its good, I tend to agree. Trader Joes also has a 4 cheeese Formaggio (if thats spelled right) and its a 4 white cheese blend with a little tangy aftertaste thats probably the best cheese Ive ever cooked with.

Trader Joes does a lot of things right. Im new to shopping there. Before I got w my girl I never knew the good quality products they had.
Thats what my GF uses. I doubted how good it could possibly be and I wasnt surprised. Her dad is a retired French chef so I was a dumbass for doubting her tbh. If she says its good, I tend to agree. Trader Joes also has a 4 cheeese Formaggio (if thats spelled right) and its a 4 white cheese blend with a little tangy aftertaste thats probably the best cheese Ive ever cooked with.

Trader Joes does a lot of things right. Im new to shopping there. Before I got w my girl I never knew the good quality products they had.
Their dough has a much better flavor them some. Others some times just taste like wet wheat flour. I like many of their products. Better quality then most grocery stores. And the price is usually not much more it at all any higher.
Ok we're making it right know whith ricotta and Alfredo as the sauce .... Shredded mozzarella cheese and mozzarella cut .... spinach... bacon.. Screenshot_2020-02-08-21-17-28_compress54.jpg sausage and pepperoni. Here is the before pic.
Their dough has a much better flavor them some. Others some times just taste like wet wheat flour. I like many of their products. Better quality then most grocery stores. And the price is usually not much more it at all any higher.

Another thing great about Trader Joes is youre not around all the trash that goes to say... Walmart. Its a place filled with a bunch of upper middle class folks and for some reason it creates a great environment to shop in. Target is the same way for me too. Those little things add up to the experience.
Another thing great about Trader Joes is youre not around all the trash that goes to say... Walmart. Its a place filled with a bunch of upper middle class folks and for some reason it creates a great environment to shop in. Target is the same way for me too. Those little things add up to the experience.
People are there more to enhance their food experience more then just trying make it though another task.
That’s a combination I’m gonna try. I usually do ricotta, mozzarella, garlic, & spinach!

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