Both of the top two heavies at the USA [ Faramez and Grigori ] Live here in Sac . Both are great guys , family men , business professionals , and are classy guys . Grigori is a very close friend and has all of the tools to be a fine pro .[ so does Faramez ] But Grigori's dad died suddenly last sunday and his wife and kids are visiting family in his home country, so things are hard for him right now . I don't know if he will be able to stay focused to do the show . He was really distraught on monday . I hope he keeps it together, cus he is so close to realizing his dream of turning pro . [ 2nd nationals last year and 4th usa ] I have known him since he started competing . Interesting note ........A guy by the name of Ruban Escobar that placed 5th in the heavies of the usa three years ago at only 23 . Is probally more talented than the other two . He is a great friend of mine ,but is lost in the party world at the moment .Right now is a lean 270 at 5'7 and eats like shit and parties everyday . If he can figure out who he wants to be he can still go far [very nice guy and a true bull in the gym ]. Funny that three of the nations best heavies all live just a few miles from one another .You add that pro kris Dim lives in the area as well [ great guy too ] We could Have 3 or 4 pros in the area in the next couple of years . When I was growning up there was honestly something like 20 national level guys training at my gym alone . It was crazy to watch these all these guys train at similar times [newbeies would walk in and turn around and never come back .....sad but true ]. Unfortunately ,most ended up in some kind of trouble , [ myself and jason muller included ] , some wound up dead , and some just burnt out . Sac is a funny town .Because we are wedged between LA and Sf it seems that alot of guys want to be seen as tougher than the guys in those towns........I am mean alot of guys train here in MMA , boxing , and bodybuilding [ great football is played in the area as well and lots of pros and college kids come out of here as well ] . I have lived in NY , LA , SD , Vegas , and SF . [ and worked in the night club business in all but NY ] And I will tell you guys are bigger in general here ,and seem to more willing to brawl it out than in the big cities [ that macho something to prove competitive vibe ].I can only liken it to certain cites outside of Boston and new jersey . [ where a ton of great bodybuilders and fighters have been produced ] Phil can probally relate to this because he grew up in Fresno [ not too far from here ] and his town had a ton of top guys cominng out his area as well and it has that something to prove vibe to it as well .It must be that insecure competiive want to be noticed vibe ,that produces all these great athletes ........I am going to still try to make the show to support girgori .....but it is up in the air would be a last minute thing if I go . Phil Health is potentially the best guy out there no doubt , but not sure if he is ready for the boys from sac just yet ..............either way it would be great for the sport if any of these guys turn pro [ including Phil ] all are good people and are safe practitioners of the sport , they have the right idea of the sport and what it should be . [ you would be suprized on how little gear these guys actually use ........this is a fact ] The pros will get a good one come the 30th no matter who it is ........