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Jay UK Metabolic Shift Diet Tester Log


Registered User
Sep 4, 2007
Since coming to this board I have been VERY impressed. Firs tI would like to thank all the big bastards on here for re-motivating me after my "fire" for the sport was going a bit dull (we all have this happen now and again.)

Jay has come under some fire for his radical ideas and i will admit I am taking a leap of faith buying into them. That being said Jay seems like a very personable and intelligent guy and I am taking a leap of faith because his ideas are similiar to some brainstorms I have had in the past but never had the guts to formalize into a sytem. In order to better understand where I am coming from as a "beta-tester" I would like to formally introduce myself, my goals and where I currently am in bodybuilding.

Me and my past:

I am 25 years old. I have a long history with different bodybuilding protocol and super-supplements. When it come to genetics I am SCREWED but in a way this makes me a better bodybuilder because I need to study that much harder and listen to my body. i say I am screwed because my connective tissue makes flint look like marble. I have had and still have ever injury in the book. My knee needs an MRI and because I do not have insurance I haven't done legs in a couple years. My shoulder needed surgery when I was only 16 and everyday i need to stretch it and baby it and adjust my lifestyle to make sure it doesn't give out (in the words of my doctor "if you had just torn your rotator cuff you would have been 100 times better off"!!).

Aside from the injuries I learned I am very insulin resistant. How did I learn this? Very simple. I tried insulin and was all hyped at how scary it was and expected a big crash, well over time I worked up to 30iu IN ONE SHOT with 100g carbs. I then dropped back down to 10iu and used just 30g carbs and never crashed. To test the potency i gave it to a classic Ecto BB i am friends with and just as expected, only 4-5iu was enough for him to go hypo. In fact I often used 6-8iu with zero carbs to get into ketosis. This is why I am willing to give Jay a fair shot. Looking back at my conditioning in the past I was at my best when I did a keto diet.

Also playing into my genetic disadvantage is my reistance to most AAS. I get no sides and no gains unless I hit over 1.5-2g a week. I have experimented at 2.5g/week and got no sides, gains were ok but not what they should have been.

As far as my stats in the past and current:

I am 5'10 - I have been as low as 5-6% BF at 202 pounds while on Keto and considered compeeting until my knees gave out. In my avatar I was actually not training and was 202 but not at my leanest. At my largest I was 240 but BF% was way to high. Before starting lowered carbs at the current time, I was 225 approx 14% but I have no tests. Right now I am NOT doing Jay's protocol yet but have cut out carbs in order to prepare for the metabolic shift. that being said I have dropped 6 pounds of water wieght and am sitting at 219-220.

Within the next week I will be using a macro nutrient breakdown by JayUk at that time I will begin tracking things because my current haphazard low carb diet would not reflect accuretly on Jay's ideas which do have reasoning and method behind them.

If you have any questions I am always on here. At this time I do not want to post the diet outline until it gets Ok'ed by Jay but look forward to updates here and feel free to pick my brain or his here.

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I for one wil be watching this develope. I already (more or less) know where this is going to take you:D . Good luck and go hard!
VERY HAPPY to have you here. This board is on a level of it's own, and the level of respect is unparalleled as well, My body has Morphed(literally) just in the small amount of time I have spent on here.

Where did you find out about this, is there a place for more info
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so let me get this straight

the main point of your thread is to post a journal/diet log, about a specific/new diet, and yet you won't post the actual diet?

so let me get this straight

the main point of your thread is to post a journal/diet log, about a specific/new diet, and yet you won't post the actual diet?


I will when Jay comes and comments, there is a 10 page thread on this below, you should read it.
Thanks, I am just respecting his right to ask me to keep some details private. Several diet experts on here like Phil or Gavin have paying clients. Jay might not have paying clients but he does have some unique adaptations of knwon principals and I only want to reveal as much as he is comfortable with and I am not sure yet where that line falls.

Thanks for showing me this thread, and I will be definately excited to see what happens. The rest that are\about to \ are doing this, I have asked also to post \ log \ feedback into me....if they dont want to do it themselves, Ill definately summise and where possible ask them to verify \ produce results.

Just be honest, which I know you will. If somethings SHIT tell me\put it in this thread.....point it out.....let it be a basis to improve and for others to comment and assist, with the intention of making it better. I thrive on challenge and stress and making things work.....with the help of others...maybe it can be better?..Idealist?...Maybe?...Worth a shot? Hell Yeh!

Just as a side point to others, there is no secret in this as such. I asked those that have been emailed not to post the outline till I had in the main thread later, why?....Well if it went out, there would have been questions and further confusion as I wasnt able to fully complete the overview.

More to the point, I was concerned that it would get misinterpreted, bastardised, and those who wanted to "part" do it, would do it, and then claim it didnt work\ did work\ made no difference......when not understanding the entire logic of the protocol. Thats all. :)

I remember years back when DC made his protocol available...and every man and his dog decided to do it.....guess what? Many would slate it on board (at least the challenged individuals!) saying it didnt work, too taxing, etc..why?

As they didnt have the patience\understanding of reading and understanding HOW to do the training in the first place.

As I said, we are only as good as the validity of the information we have,

Day -2

I say -2 because I have not yet recieved my healthy fats and have been eating a regular Keto type diet for the last week. As of today I am eating in accordance with Jay's macronutrients so I figured I may as well post up here.

1. I forgot how much better i look on zero/low carbs! I have dropped 6-7 pounds water. i thought I was getting fat but really i was just bloated as all hell from my super high carb diet.
2. Amazing mind/muscle feel and pump.
3. No more gastrointestinal pain from hell!! - I will spare you the details but suffice to say my body doesn't break down carbs well. I can literally feel gas move through my body and have had everyone in my family insist I do to a DR. It has gotten so bad in the past that I would almost go to the hospital but since I switch to zero/low carbs I haven't passed gass more than once a day. I can't even begin to tell you what a relief this is!

I am not sure if any of these can be attributed to the diet and I will explain why.
1. Dizzy the last 2 days - I have been using a new Pre WO stim called RPM. It is pretty potent and combined with my low glood glucose it may be to blame.
2. Weakness in the gym - I have been off the gym for 3 out of the last 4 weeks due to injuries. as an example: 3 weeks ago i did 95lb dumbells on inclines for 15 reps (I am no monster like most of you!) but yesterday in my first day back I only used 80's for 15. As i said this could be the long break OR as Jay says himself it could be due ot the fact that I am in the VERY early stages of the metabolic shift and have not get began effective GlycoG.

Overall VEEEEERY early impressions:
I am excited for the water weight loss to stop and strength to return since my goals are muscle gain. I am confident in the diet though and have reasons to be positive. I will keep up to date as the real diet begins.
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RPM was a very enjoyable product for me
I am ready to quit RPM, I want to enjoy it but I am so dizzy I can barely walk and I can't sleep until 6am!
So it looks like jay posted a sample diet in the other thread.


Here is what I ordered for this month (I ordered before talking to Jay)

2 x Olympian labs Evening Primrose Softgels - 1300mg/cap 60 per bottle - Taking 4 a day

2 x Jarrow Formula Coconut oil - 16oz each

3 x Now Nutrition Flax Seed Oil - 24oz each

2 x Ultimate Nutrition MCT Gold - One Liter (approx 34OZ each) - Jay doesn't suggest this but for this month I will be using a TON

2 x Health from the Sea PFO Pure fish oil - 8oz each

Right now I am discourage in BB overall because everyone on ehre is just so damn HUGE! The diet is going well but i am down below 220 to 218-219 at 5'10". Overall though I look better than I did at 225 but I am going to get more seriously back in the gym since my injury supplement seem to be helping.

A little aside here on injuries to help any bro's with bad shoulder:
My plan seems to be working but I am still worried, my routine consists of:

Primaforce cissus
Primaforce Elastamin
Jarrows Devil Claw Root
60-80mcg IGF PWO only
and - DC's over the head shoulder stretch (someone sent me it)

Been using the proper oils for a few days. I am still continueing the high fat portion of the diet for a little while longer because I have not done the cardio Jay instructed me to do. I know I am suppose to but I haven't done it in nearly 2 years and like to think of myself as the Cal Ripken of not doing cardio, well either that or lazy. Either way my full MS might take a bit longer and I would rather err on the side of caution.

I feel pretty good and my wieght has started to creep back up a pound or two.
Also noticed:

1. MCT is death if you take more than one tbs at a time.

2. Coconut oil is a bit gross and hard to work with.

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