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Kilo Klub Member
May 11, 2010
Ok guys going to make a log on Para's TNE/TREN blend. Before someone says hey aren't you on the Gear Squad team yes but I am already past half way through a recomp cycle and I will be closing it out with what I have on hand then I will be running Spartan only and logging it so there is no conflict of interest. The pics I am posting were taken Saturday and I will post after pics when I'm done I have 50ml of this blend then I will cruise for awhile before I try to improve and grow this winter. My goal as always is improve my legs its a battle cause I have 2 ruptured disc the doc says I have degenerative disc but I deal with it.

A little background I had surgery in April so I'm on the come back just wanted to start to get back inshape and recomp some muscle loss, have not been pushing to hard yet wanted to make sure my body could handle the stress before I go balls out in a few months.

Yesterday was my 1st pin 1ml the blend is 100/75 very smooth no pip today and using 25g. pinned 1ml 2 hours before tonights workout, Shoulders, bi's, and tri's weight did not go up tonite put had a great pump and lots of energy.
My workout schedule will be:
Chest and Back
Shoulders, bi's, and tri's
of course this will change when I start my winter bulk, I never try to gain to much weight I compete as a middle wt. so I try to go for quality weight gain. Today body wt is 202# here are some current pics
front relax and double bi


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  • Front Bi - Copy.jpg
    Front Bi - Copy.jpg
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Let me also mention I competed many years natural before I decide I had gone as far as I could. I do not have the genetics of some of you big guys but I never stop trying to improve for me thats what its all about commitment and always striving to be better
good luvk bro and nice layout, do you plan to compete again in near future?
good luvk bro and nice layout, do you plan to compete again in near future?

Not till next July the Missouri state it will probably take me that long to get back to where I was before I had some health issues if I'm looking better before than I will do the Mayhem as a tune up
Good luck and hope to see some good progress. I also have a herniated disc but in the neck with some nerve damage so I feel for you. I opted not to have surgery and 6 years later I'm still going strong.

Take your time and ease into things.
Good luck and hope to see some good progress. I also have a herniated disc but in the neck with some nerve damage so I feel for you. I opted not to have surgery and 6 years later I'm still going strong.

Take your time and ease into things.

I also opted not to have surgery too and its been 10 years for me, I just really pay attention to my form and there are some exercises I just don't do anymore but where there's a will there is a way.
Damn Thunder, those pics make me think about taking up a different sport...... maybe ping-pong...:p You're a ripped dude..
Damn Thunder, those pics make me think about taking up a different sport...... maybe ping-pong...:p You're a ripped dude..

Thanks bro, just working my way back have a long way to go to stand along side some of the physiques on this board especially the guys on the Gear Squad

looking forward to your log brother

can you post us your typical diet/
cardio routine if its not a problem?

thx brother
looking forward to your log brother

can you post us your typical diet/
cardio routine if its not a problem?

thx brother

Sure bro typical day is

Meal 1: 6 eggs, turkey bacon, cup of grapefruit juice

Meal 2: protein shake (muscle milk chocolate) almonds or natural pb

Meal 3: usually chicken, turkey, or fish I don't like red meat. brown rice or salad

Meal 4: muscle milk, apple, or protein bar and almonds

Meal 5: after workout protein shake, creatine, glutimine, and banana

Meal 6: dinner whatever the wife makes, usuallly stir fry, and sometimes I repeat meal 1

Meal 7: nite time snack sugarfree jello and 2 table spoon natural pb

You may notice right now I'm not eating many carbs, I put on some fat after my surgery so I want to get it off before I start my bulk which isn't a real bulk I increase calories but I really try to watch how much fat I gain.

My cardio is running I keep it to 2 miles and sprints I also do P90X

nice diet brother
i see the only fats are the natty PB
do you ever throw in some olive oil to your shakes
my brother is I havent found a great protein power
true protein is good
but MHP i heard is yummy along with BSN

cant wait for your log brother
nice diet brother
i see the only fats are the natty PB
do you ever throw in some olive oil to your shakes
my brother is I havent found a great protein power
true protein is good
but MHP i heard is yummy along with BSN

cant wait for your log brother

Man I love BSN protein, I have'nt used true protein yet. I never tried the olive oil I thought with the eggs, salmon, pb, and almounds that I was getting enough

no worries brother
i was just curious

so u like bsns huh
what flavor
i gotta say
i tried six star
the cheap shit from walmart

fuckin grossssssss
Cardio for today no training, on non-training days I pin 50mg morning and 50mg in the evening. Starting tomorrow I'm going to change to DC training, diet will remain the same, decided to step things up just a little not ready to push 100% yet I want to make sure my body can handle the stress I do not want any set backs this year or injuries. After this blast I will let my body recover
while I cruise for about 5 or 6 weeks then the war begins
looking thick, when you starting your GS run bro?
looking thick, when you starting your GS run bro?

Well I do not have any GS products but I'm thinking December depending on how long I cruise. Maybe GS will feel sorry for me and hook me up with a goodie bag :D I have a plan with a little advice from SplKing1 going to run 12 weeks
Test E 1000mg/week
EQ 600-800mg/week
may throw something else in at the beginning or end. DC training routine
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